Walk with me around my area

in #walkwithme7 years ago

As you all may or may not know I love taking my dog for walks on the beach. It gives him time to drain some energy, and gives me some time to clear my head.

But even while living on an island I dont always have the ability to actually go to the beach. The main reason for this are my on call shifts for work. When I get called out, I have to be in the hospital in a certain amount of time (AKA ASAP). This reduces my ability of disappearing on a beach for a bit. Because dropping of the dog at home, and then going to the hospital..it can take too long. So in my on call shifts, I tend to stay around my area with the animal. But my area is not too bad, actually!

Lets have a look!


On the road where all the tourists walk towards Philipsburg is a lot to see actually. The majority of the tourists are Americans and they all love my dog. So I spend a lot of time chitchatting with random people while the dog gets some love and can sniff of everybody. The sign you see here looks really cheesy, but this is all just homemade temporary stuff from after the hurricane.

At the entrance of a restaurant called 'Chesterfields' there is an illegal entrance to the water breakers. These breakers are made to protect Great Bay from storm surge and they are nice and calm. They also have the most beautiful views, and nobody walks here.


4 ships in port!!

And I am walking here all by myself. Strange right? The water breakers give a good view on how big these floating cities actually are. Imagine that about 10.000 people in total are stepping off the boats on a day like this.



Looking the other direction will give you a nice view on our capital called Philipsburg. You can see the boardwalk with all beach umbrellas ready to receive loads of people. Also the funning thing is while walking here, is how water carries sound. I could literally hear people talking and shouting in town, and their voices were carried all the way to here.


Ow crap its an upside down catamaran on land. Oepssss.. how did that get here!! (And why has nobody claimed it as yet)

This is a nice hurricane Irma souvenir. It was picked up by the wind and left for dead here. Now Im gonna show you a picture from just hours before the hurricane. It is taken from Philipsburg on the boardwalk and you can see the water breakers on the left. But you can also see the catamaran there in the middle of the sea. I remember thinking at that moment 'which dumb&ss is leaving his boat there, and the boat might even get us all killed if it smashes into the building.'

12 hours before the hurricane reached

Well it got smashed indeed, but at least at a spot where nobody got hurt from it

Swim doggo, swim!!


Normally next to Chesterfields restaurant on the corner there are docks for boats, but these are still partially missing and is now a beach entrance. The dog didnt mind this because this gave him a perfect opportunity to cool down a bit. He is on the leash again here because this is quite close to the main road and I dont want him to do anything stupid.


While walking back I pass the entrance of the cruise terminal again. I dont really understand why they still havent taken the effort to fix all letters again. I mean, your terminal is like your welcome commite right? It should look flawless! Or maybe this is just me...

Thanks for walking with me on this good alternative instead of going to the beach!


This certainly looks like a great and sunny walk - you and your dog are lucky to call this 'your area'! :-)

yeah we dont have it all too bad I can say ;)

That was a great post. Thanks for taking us to your area. You are right, it is not bad at all!! The tourists are back so to see? Are there already as many as before the hurricane?

Yeah the cruise ships are back and people are spending so that is good! Most big hotels are still closed though, so thats a big chunk of income that is not there. Because those people eat and drinks every day, take tours and go to the supermarket. So thats a major loss of income! From may on two bigger hotels will re-open again so that will help again.

French side is still a big big mess, nothing seems to be happening there, and a lot of tourists come especially for the French side. Low season (summer) is going to be challenging!

If you also look in terms of how many planes are coming in. For instance United Airlines were flying 7 days a week, 2 times a day....and now that about only 2 flights a week. We really are missing a lot of tourists at the moment

that is one lucky doggo to be around such a beautiful area and gets to swim too.

Serious this dog man... i just wrote a post about it last week... when I reincarnate, I want to come back as MY dog...

That animal has the life of a king haha

Leuk om te lezen/kijken! Hoe heb jij de orkaan zelf beleefd?


vanuit dit hotel beleefde ik het.. de dagen erna waren alleen maar werken in het ziekenhuis zonder stroom en het hele eiland dat werd leeggeroofd. donkere periode uit het leven durf ik het wel te noemen :(

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