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RE: What Is Now And The Way We Were...

in #walkwithme6 years ago

Thank you for saying you would listen to us. Hear that Rebecca? Ha
Even though I am not much of a drinker now. I might need a little taste to
get the nervousness out of me. Ha ha
Or, if we meet in a "cannabis free usage state." Rebecca might have to show me how to utilize it to help me be happy. Ha ha. I love it.
And I like happy.
So, get ready. It is coming. It may take a year. It may take a little longer. Steemit is finally going to be fully recognized I think.
But, for now. It is our job to do what we can to bring that day to all of us sooner. I try as much as I am gifted to do.
And for me. Since I don't have many gifts. It is a true chore. But, I continue on.
Las Vegas? Freedom of choice cannabis state? What a time that is going to be.
The promoters and planners job is going to be huge...................



Yeah, a group of us could get together and work on song that we will perform when we get together...where ever that is. Don't buy into anyone else's opinion. I think singing is like any other skill. It can be taught, learned and refined.
We might all suck in the beginning, but we can get better.

No doubt about it, I know exactly what to do to help you be able to choose happy. LOL!

(You might not be able to open your eyes fully, but you'll be happy and you will not care for very long, because you'll quickly forget. Cannabis disrupts short term memory so it stops those looping thoughts that continually nag at you.)
The biggest challenge for me is remembering song lyrics and it's for this exact reason..

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