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RE: A Good Day with Me and @briancourteau :)

in #walkwithme6 years ago

Hi, @lynncoyle1 I dropped by to peep onto your life and see what is going on with you and Brian. With no surprises, both of you are together and share these wonderful pictures. I have missed seeing beaches full of sea weed though it don't look clean. But if they still attached together and not broken, then they are no too bad to be there. However, the beach will look messy if they are broken though.
Talking about Mexico, I visited Tijuana in mid 80's and that was the time I tasted Mexican food. I have seen from TV movie on Mexican lifestyle but I am not sure whether those scenes are real reflection or just made up for entertainment purpose
Anyway, the Internet world gives us a chance to share our culture and lifestyle. Please keep sharing ya


Hey there @digitalmind! So nice of you to stop by and see how we are doing :) The seaweed has been a real problem here the last few years, and it certainly takes away from the beauty of the white sand, that's for sure!!

I think TV exaggerates Mexican culture, but Tijuana is a whole different world altogether! Although, I've never been there, so I'm judging it based on what I've seen on TV hahaha

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