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RE: Deep in the mountains

in #walkwithme5 years ago

I'm flattered that you found time to come over to my profile :) Hahaha, you are right. You can always walk in your bikini :) How do you call a bikini for a man? A swimsuit?

Me too. I spent a lot of time in the mountains when I was younger so I always have a jacket, another pair of socks, snacks, a lot of water, etc in my backpack. Or in my husband's backpack to be honest, lol.

Oh yes, you can only see the US unless you are somewhere close to Canada or Mexico :)

I didn't take that location that I was looking at so now I'm waiting for another one to come. In the meantime I consider getting a job as I don't want to just sit around. But we will see as I don't want to go to the corporate environment anymore. I feel a huge difference to what I was like when I was working in the office. I am a much more relaxed, stress resistant and nicer person in general :)

I like those dinosaur cameras. They make beautiful retro shots. It's a pity you don't have it anymore. But yes, it is much easier to take a photo with today's technology.

Are you traveling now?


Yes @delishtreats ...

"I feel a huge difference to what I was like when I was working in the office. I am a much more relaxed, stress resistant and nicer person in general :)"

... I can relate to this. Six months ago, I left that all behind. Since then, a recurring thought is I should have left much sooner than I did ... But, what's next is not an easy decision to make. Not for me and it sounds like for you. Like you, though, I do want to spend my day feeling productive ...

No we are not traveling. Just enjoying time at home, getting a long list of projects long overdue "off my back" ... For an even lighter stress load ... 😊

Currently we are excited about our efforts to live more simply and focus on our little small bit of the good earth. We are learning about composting, setting up a worm farm (2,000 wrigglers arrived today!) and other "heavy stress load" matters of great importance like that ... Haha 😉

You should not regret your decisions. I'm sure that there were reasons why you didn't leave sooner. I think that you don't need to work to be productive. But this depends a lot on the personality. Some people can't work around the house, others enjoy it a lot. Some people always find something to do, others need to be told what to do.. it's very personal...

These are matters of great importance, lol. Working towards a simple life is a great goal.

I think @delishtreats ...

"I didn't take that location that I was looking at so now I'm waiting for another one to come."

... this is wise. I figured you must've made that decision and I think you made the right one, from your description. Some compromise is probably unavoidable, but location is everything in a business like what you are dreaming about starting up someday.

If it is meant to be, you'll have to maintain faith that the right place will come along at the right time!

Will the certification you studied and worked so hard to obtain be valid for a long time?

Exactly, I totally agree with you. If it's meant to be it will happen.. and I believe it is meant to be :)

It's a lifetime certification so I am not worried about that...

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