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RE: Walk With Me Before The Thaw - 8 Miles of Icy Adventure!

in #walkwithme7 years ago

That is always such a conundrum. To continue doing something you need to get done, or spend hours photographing the environment you're passing through while doing it. The photo part usually wins out in my world. But hey, more stuff for Steemit.

I so enjoy your writing, glad to discover you on the site. You have a lot of talent, and what I would call a relaxed and astute style that is a joy to read. Thanks for that, and watch out for the falling icicles as you run on by in your gorgeous corner of the world. (I agree with the truck driver. )

I haven't read that yet, but I'm guessing: "they melt, so the weapon is now a puddle, about to head into the sky in the water cycle."


Oh man, what a wonderful compliment. Thanks so much! If I told you how much it meant to me, you would accuse me of grandstanding!

My one-track-mind gets in the way of documenting a projects. But when I do photography, I dive in and take a ton of pictures. Typically I wind up with lots of photos of very little.

Very welcome, and well deserved. I look forward to reading more of your works.
As for photography, I can relate for sure. Often I don't get to where I'm headed on my bike, because something of interest pops up and the next hour is taken up by massive digital gather. But what fun.

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