This walk rocks..... OpHumanAngels edition

in #walkwithme7 years ago

Either its Christmas or hell must have froze over because I got the entire day off to do nothing... so.. I'm gonna catch up on this project I started last week.. Operation Human Angels...

So I head out into the frozen tundra to do the deed lol... okay it's like 2 inches of snow..


My plan is to leave little pieces of art work in places people pass by frequently.. first I need the artwork... hmmm... I got paint.. I got markers.. but no disposable canvasses...


Great idea.. let's get busy...

Rock number 1..



Rock number 2..



Rock number 3



And my personal favourite...



Heading out to spread good vibes and positivity on a chilly Christmas Eve...

So the first rock I left in the middle of the sidewalk over towards the mailboxes..


The second rock is a 2fer... a positive message for someone plus some wood for @lyndsaybowes...


Rock number three went on the stairs of a different complex...



The last rock went on the salt bucket on a busy corner...



I didn't have much time because I still have presents to wrap... beer to drink... and joints to roll... but wanted to get out there beforehand AND before we get more snow...

Thanks for coming along and spreading the message with me...


Peace out y'all... Dave


What a fun project. I love the painted rocks idea.

The tagline for your movie:

"In a world... where people throw stones... one man... painted them."

(You've got to read it in that movie preview voice.)

Lmao... that would have been a great tagline.. maybe I could get Sam Elliott to narrate.. or James Earl Jones...

Look at you making people smile and what not @davedickeyyall youse a good dude there eh

Thanks. It nice to make people smile.. to not be angry all the time.. promote positive thinking and you become more positive yourself..

Nice thing to do!
I read something a while back about a whole collection of rocks like that on a beach somewhere - and people kept adding more and more and nobody stole a single one

Cheers,and merry Xmas

That's awesome.. where is the beach? I'll have to add it on places I need to visit...

Merry Christmas to you too

Wondering too!

Afraid I can’t remember - but I think it was west coast somewhere. It was probably a post on here that i read, but I can’t find it now, sorry


There is a community where I grew up that is called Holbein. I am surprised to see it as yoyr avitar! That's neat. @holbien81 I am curious how/ why you chose it?

Thank you for sharing your love in a very creative way, Dave! You have given these rocks life to give people hope! Peace to you, too!

Wowwww this is the best Christmas Eve surprise EVER!!!! I'm smiling so much, the art and the messages are truly touching....Bless the lucky individuals who will find these, and I'm sure, treasure for life.

Thank you for bringing so much Joy to me, and others Dave. You are a rare Man.

It brought just as much joy to me doing it... more maybe because I've been prepping and planning for a week..

"life has value live it"- this quote is awesome ....and this place looks beautiful in snow by the way....
Merry christmas..

I glad you like it.. it's easier to do than to say..

Merry Christmas to you too

So awesome dude! I see all the supplies you bought did wonders!! You keep doing all this #ophumanangels stuff you're a natural buddy!

Thanks.. I like doing them.. I still wanna try and record someone finding one of my gifts..

I think you're going to have to. You have no choice lol

I love it!!! Combine the rock painting trend with #ophumanangels! Great work, Dave!

Thanks.. Merry Christmas

You too!

The designs in your rocks really encouraged me a lot, thank you very much

That's fantastic.. I hope you have a great day.. spread the love..

thanks for your reply

merry christmas to u and your family

Merry Christmas

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