OpHumanAngels walk... Black ops edition

in #walkwithme7 years ago

So it's night time here and time for a little mischievous fun... this walk had to be done under the cover of darkness so as not to get caught...

A quick trip to Wal-Mart for supplies and I'm off...


Down to the corner of the apartment complex I find target number 1...


Right across the street from the stop sign are the mailboxes for the adjoining complex... yup.. target #2...


I liked the idea of the mail box so much I decided to do the one for my building... target #3


A little further down the street there's another mail box... and another positive message...


I'm almost out of usable letters but I managed to scrape together enough for 1 last stop sign...


I'm out of vowels so I guess it's time to stop vandalizing government property with positive messages... I'll go home now... but I'll be back ...

Thanks for coming with me to spread the love and positive vibes...


Peace out y'all ...Dave


Wow...you bring tears to my eyes yet again Dave, I'm sitting here laughing and crying...this is just incredible!!!!!! The world needs more like you my friend!!!

This one reminds me of the time a friend told me of the "Diamond Rule" ...

Treat others better than you would have them treat you!

Resteeming and sharing on my other social networks so more may be inspired to make this world a beautiful place, in our own small ways!

Thank you!😁 although really you are the inspiration for these walks... you created the #walkwithme tag.. I saw the resteem for #ophumanangels on your page.. I love the positive messages and the encouragement you give to others... you are the one responsible for all this... I'm just your messenger in Denver... much love

You don't give yourself enough credit!! You are the one who is taking these actions, you are the one using your imagination and ninja skills out there in the cold making the world a warmer place. You are taking the initiative <3 <3 <3 I'm glad I inspired you, however, YOU are the one responsible for this awesomeness!! Thank you for getting out there. It is harder than it looks!!!

I agree with both of yous on this one:):):) thank you Lyndsay and Dave. Inspired me for sure today.....getting something together for my trip downtown tomorrow!

Yes, exactly. I agree this point of view that u have it.
You are wide of the point, madam.

The way the world turns is in circles sir. Souls will be replinished and smiles returned

Haha ... every time you use stop sign, you save 4 letters. Kudos to what you do to spread love and peace to a much-needed world!


I love how into this you are and how you come up with creative ways to do it! Vandalizing government property with positive messages is the best kind of vandalizing, lol.
"Stop doubting yourself" was my favorite!

That was actually the first one I came up with on a previous walk..

Awesome work Dave! This post reminded me of when I was a teen and threw cans of house paint all over a big cover girl ad in the middle of the night. But this is better, haha <3

Is really hard to be artistic when you're just throwing paint. However has you got a paint brush and painted a mustache and a beard on the model that would have been funny...

gives your model the finger and yells "Eff your beauty standards"

I can just imagine how many people are going to smile because of these!! This is so great❤

Thanks.. it was fun

Hahahahhahaha dave you crazy old man

Back in my day...

I'll tell you a secret...

Haha :D, amazing work @davedickyyall you're a good person. Love these, and agree with @karenfoster so many are going to smile because of these. I am seeing this because of @lyndseybowes shout out on her walk.

What a way to tell it all hahahahahaha. I have known quite a few of the charectors from the underland mad hatters, time crunching white rabbits to oppressive red queens all the way to tweedle dee's and tweedle dums

Gotta get you an Anonomask, Bro! Chalkin will get you less jail time. ;)

Well.. they're just stickers... hopefully not to much trouble... I'd hate to have to make a post begging for upvotes to get bail money... 😂

We have your back!!


Love your black ops good works! Stealth!

Thank you.. it was so much fun... and the best news.. no one was arrested during the making of this post... +5 stealth points lol

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