Eat, Sleep, Steem, Repeat

in #walk5 years ago

It's curry night tonight. A good reason to go for a walk, both to build up an appetite and to go briefly in credit calorie-wise. I have the choice of up the hill or down to the sea, the sea wins most of the time.


I also wanted to get some cash out but the card machine at my bank is currently out of order. In the UK you can pull money out from most machines without charge, but over here (maybe it's just my Bank?) it would cost me almost 2 euros, or about 6 STEEM for the privilege.

That's a total ripoff isn't it?

No way am I paying that unless desperate, especially as what I earn can be moved between accounts in 3 seconds or so, and doesn't cost anything bar a few resource credits.

It would be nice to buy a curry with STEEM, take a few photos of the meal and write a bit about the place - see how much of the dish you can cover :) One day, hopefully.


Cala Millor is livening up, even though on today's photos you can't really see that. The lobster brigade will hit town soon enough, and I'll be ringing my bell to warn them to shift out of the cycle lane - although skidding up behind them works as a good reminder too :)

Oh yeah, so the hotel I was offered to work at for a couple of months is not ready - what a surprise. It's likely that the person I was to cover for will be available again when it is finally open. Oh well!


Enjoy the view, have a nice day all.



Sorry to hear about Falty Towers falling through. Something will pop up when you least expect it as that is how things happen. Curry night is always a night to look forward to and we should have it more than once a week.

The signs were there and so I was never 100% confident. The other job was a bigger bummer.

I'd have a curry every night if I could afford to and they weren't so calorific!

Oh, curry night! Why didn't you invite me? :-)
Well probably because it's barbecue night at my place, haha. That'd be the only valid excuse... teheh

I haven't ever paid any feeds for pulling money out of a card mashine tbh. You should definitely change your bank or re-negotiate your contract.

DiBa is a good European bank (direct bank) that offers you pulling out money at basically every card mashine - no matter its brand - for free.

Enjoy your curry, amigo!

Thanks for the tip, I am with San Tan Derrr.

BBQ is good, bit does it beat curry? X

Now I am wondering what is your favourite curry dish Asher. Personally, I love a mild chicken tikka masala (which I can make at home, by the way!). So, when we go to our local curry house I normally go for their butter chicken :) Hopefully, we will be able to pay for our curry meals with steem sooner than later!

I'm stopping by just to say hi and wish you all the best,
Beautiful photos by the way. After a couple of weeks of sunshine we have had a cloudy day here...

bye, bye for now.

Well Abigail, it's nice to hear from you first of all, and thank you for supporting my content during your quiet times 😬

My mother had a masala, but I prefer as hot as my tastebuds will allow - today a madras, but soon I will take on the vindaloo and see how that works for me!

The summer is just about to start here, soon I'll be in shorts and not have to worry about an extra layer on top -I cannot wait!

Wishing you well!

Using an ATM here costs a whopping 250 Baht (£5.50) just as a fee to the local banks. On top of that you have the usual exchange rip off and percentage to your UK issuing bank.

Obviously I see it's not so easy to pick up hotel or bar work there. The jobs pay typical EU min wage or are they cash in hand and crap?

Hope you find something soon fella :-)

That is a total ripoff!

Most of the bars are covered in advance, but perhaps I've been lazy too.

Go east, sounds like a plan 😁

Sleep? I can’t relate with that one. Being that close for a walk everyone sounds amazing though. I think there is even an app for “food reviews” so I could see that being a thing. That would be the true blogger lifestyle everything you did you created a post around it. At food make a post. Go outside make a post and so on. Your entire life uploaded to the blockchain!

They are all topics I've written about in the past and a fair amount of my life is on here 😁

one day we can just download a version of you and take you with us as a hologram!

Talk about things not aligning for you! So unfortunate to hear my friend; at least you can enjoy coastal life.

Posted using Partiko iOS

As long as the Steem aligns I'll be happy, but yeah I wonder if the job gods know I'm not totally up for it.

I think steem won't let you to live off the real life job @abh12345 😉 you should try create money through youtube, dtube or whatever😆 ... the tourists is around the corner again...

Sorry to hear about the job falling through.

I guess all you can do is try and enjoy your forced steemcation!

Sounds like you need to take cash out in as large chunks as possible.

Posted using Partiko Android

I would have bet against the place being ready, and many agreed looking at the photos.

Monday is usually cashout day, perhaps I do need to cover two weeks instead of one.

Is the UK sunny yet?

Not in Hereford it's not!

Overcast - grey but not too cold.

I'm sure you know the sort of thing!

Posted using Partiko Android

take my cents for a bit more curry

Gracias señor.

This one's an Indian, but I like a Thai green too.

That's a bummer! Loosing 2 jobs in a row without even have started!
But you do have the sun and we only have rain and wind. Still temped to switch!

Yeah something like that - the job gods can sense that I'm not all in for employment!

Wind and rain? I think I'll stay put, for now 😎

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