
Here's where I see I lose the most voting power. I refreshed the steemd page & it showed 65.91. I submitted a post to my blog and refreshed the page again and I went down to 64.58. So I lose 2% every time I post an article on my blog!

I lose power when I upvote or post but gain a little back if I reply or follow. It deters me from posting!

A couple of things to check:

  1. Are you upvoting all of your posts and comments automatically?
  2. Do you use any apps or tools that automatically upvote their own content via your account as "donation" for using their service?

Don't use any apps or tools and I don't know if there's a setting in steemit itself where you can set to automatically upvote myself. But I do believe that is what happens every time I post a blog. It upvotes me by

Duh...I just noticed the box in the lower right hand corner when creating a post that says 'upvote post'. There's a checkmark in there by default and would explain why I automatically upvote my own

Is it wise to upvote your own posts or no?

You almost have not Steem Power. It's counterproductive to 'save up' your Steem by not upvoting. On the contrary, the more you post, comment and upvote, the more Steem you'll gain. Transfer your Steem to Steem Power in order to grow your voting power.

I have double the steem power I had and I assumed it increased because I was upvoting (although my voting power declined) and posting on my blog. But then my voting power became like 60% so I figured I'd stop upvoting so that when I did upvote it would be worth more to who I voted for.

How do I transfer my steem? I think Ive done that before as I get notification in my wallet.

Ok just powered up the 0.025 steem I had. Ty!

Hello. Ok. how the votingpower works? when you make one upvote (in anything; comment or post) you give 2% of your voting power, it is not related with the times that you post, you can post any times and your voting power does not go down (your bandwith will go down), your voting power recover himself 20% at day. and you can see what the heck are going on with your account in there you can see how upvotes are you given to the comunnity. :) have a nice day

Thanks for the response! I've been watching at steemd trying to figure out how each action I do effects my voting power. It seems like quit often when I post on my blog then immediately refresh the steemd page my voting power declines! I keep hearing that voting power recovers 20% per day but if that were the case..after 4 days of not upvoting (except for 1 or 2 here or there. Cant help myself why am I not back to 100%? I started trying to reset my voting power when I saw that I was starting to go under 70% yet here I am 4 days later at under 70%! I just dont get it.

I'll try upvoting again and se what happens. Thanks for the info...:)

Ok so I definitely lose 2% every time I post on my blog. But I guess that's because it automatically upvotes myself?

Ok just keeping track here. I upvoted coachsteff (power went from 68.13 to 67.01. Ok the 2%. It is approx 10am Sunday (U.S. Eastern time). Trying to see how long I get that 20% refresh.

Ok just followed coachsteff and went up to 67.06. Gained .05 for following..?

Wow. Just gained .02 for replying to my post

Just went from 67.10 to 65.74 by upvoting yacobh for helping me figure this out. Ok the 2%. So how low do I want to go before hoping to reset again?

Gained .02 with this previous reply. Now I'll try posting on my blog to see what happens.

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