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RE: Law without Government?

in #voluntaryism7 years ago

I gather that in your post extolling the supposed efficiency and fairness of libertarian anarchy, the concept of "property" and "ownership" are assumed, since every libertarian argues for the sanctity of "private property." From whence does the concept of "ownership" derive, if not from force, legitimate or otherwise? The premise of "non-aggression principle," upon which your argument is founded, is itself a fantastic contradiction of the entire libertarian argument.


You are correct that voluntaryism assumes the right to own something acquired via the owner creating that thing, homesteading that thing, trading (not stealing) for it, or other methods of acquisition not utilizing force. So there are examples of acquiring property via force. Were you intentionally ignoring all those methods so you could make blanket statements about ownership requiring force?

voluntaryism assumes the right to own something acquired via the owner creating that thing, homesteading that thing, trading (not stealing) for it, or other methods of acquisition not utilizing force.

"Homesteading" requires a legal authority, ie government, for the applicant to be allowed 'ownership" of the said piece of real estate. Such acquisition acknowledges inherent enforcement of legal force by the government. If the implication of "homesteading" is squatting on a portion of the commons in forcibly taking the said real estate from the commons by the sheer act of ignorance, stupidity, or obstinacy, then such acquisition requires force. If a man can not claim ownership of real estate, then how will the said man claim ownership of the resources contained within said real estate? If a man "creates" a product based on borrowed resources, then the said product belongs to the owners of the resources.

Modern concept of "private property" traces back only to the 14th century France. The crown of France guaranteed the fiction of ownership of property with juridical and physical force. How will your libertarian utopia guarantee the fiction of ownership of this world, which no man has created, planned, or willed into existence without the use of force? The black Africans are killing and stealing the land and property of white Africans because the black Africans no longer believe in the fiction of property ownership as defined by prior generations. How will your libertarian eden prevent such occurrence without the use of force?

Sociocultural fiction requires constant maintenance via indoctrination and enforcement of the said principle fiction, lest the entire edifice collapse in chaos. The idea that man, whose entire being is borrowed, has the "right" to disburse creation as he deems fit is laughable. Such lunacy requires an iron fist to enforce its corollaries. Libertarianism is idiocy born of ignorance that at best will reduce society to private fiefdoms of the uberwealthy, or at worse destroy human civilization in chaos.

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