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RE: Law without Government?

in #voluntaryism7 years ago

These utopian ideas are fun to fantasize about but they will never work in reality.

Even in the US, you have roughly half of the population that are living like parasites off the backs of other people and still claim they are oppressed and blame the very people supporting them for that oppression. The so-called "poor", most of which are able-bodied, and choose not to work, continuously make bad decisions and never think of tomorrow riot and block streets, beat people up, and make demands.

The only voluntary government that these people would adhere to is similar to what happened after Apartheid ended in Africa. Of course, now that white farmers have been killed and/or driven out, Africans are starving... Smart move!

Yeah, but no thanks. The only voluntary government I'd be in favor of is one where it is legal and expected to shoot criminals. Because there will be criminals. We're all animals and some animals want to be more equal than others by violence and those animals have to be stopped with violence.


The point is that the criminals take over governments. That's how it works. It doesn't matter how wonderful of an idea you have either. The system, no matter what it is, will eventually be taken over by the oligarchs. Those people are far worse criminals than the street thug. Therefore, remove their monopoly on force, and put the biggest most violent gangs in the world out of business. End their system of control otherwise known as "government."

I always find it fascinating when people tell we that we need authoritarian government because some (or most) people are bad.

The "bad" people would never have any motivation to become the rule makers...

... people are bad, so we need a government made of ...

Thanks. Yeah it is hard to imagine how the USA could get from where it is now to a stateless society. Here's an article i wrote to address that very real challenge:

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