Fuego volcano, Guatemala!!!

in #volcano7 years ago

Twice before i climbed the acatenango to see lava, and ashes climbing high into the sky, twice i climbed into a cloud and all wett wasn't able to see any erupcion at all... pretty bad if you think that to get there you have to climbing for more than 5 hours most of the time about 40° inclination. But what a hek, let's try for a third time!

Finally i got lucky, good weather, nice climbing, almost no cloud...

We got to base camp around 5pm and sat down to rest, eat and enjoy the view silently... it was no more than 5 minutes until we saw the first eruption, not so big but still nice pillar of ashes going up into the sky... the sound of explosion and rocks crumbling down its an awesome experience... this time, the weather and the volcano conspired to make me happy... it was no longer than 5 to 10 minutes between eruptions... not once the clouds block the view and even a thunderstorm was showing some lightning a few miles to the left...

When the sun went down finally we saw it!!! red and yellow rocks jumping into the sky and rolling down the volcano sides, i can't describe what you actually feel, it's so powerful, so beautiful... the pictures can't really explain...

It was around 7:30 already when we saw a flashlight actually on the "fuego volcano" (the tour is to acatenango volcano, just in front of fuego) before getting out of out surprise state we had the guide explaining that now is kind of safe to walk 1,5 hour down acatenango and up fuego to watch from closer distance.... so again, what a hell, LET'S GO!!!
I have to tell you is a pretty difficult hike, steep as hell, dark and the path is not so clear but it worth it...
From fuego you can see the eruptions from at least half distance than from acatenango... you also smell the sulfur coming out...

I highly recommend you to do it!!! Even if you have to go three times!!! :)

PS: It can be pretty cold up there!!! take at least 4 layers, scarf, gloves, hut... whatever you would use for under 0°C...
When you go up to the top of acatenango to watch sunrise you gonna thank me for making you carry the extra weight :)


Wow! This is an experience I would love to have some day. I hiked up inactive volcanoes in Lanzarote but well.... this is the real deal. Gr8 descriptions and pics @lavidaesunviaje, now I am jealous of the volcanoes you have over in Guatemala

Wow. Breathtaking shots and literary accompaniment :)
I can totally relate to that drive that's needed for such a hike. Whilst in Bolivia, I hiked to the top of Mt Chacaltaya (5,395M) There were points when I thought my heart was going to explode, where a short rest was required every 2-3 steps and a 5 min break every 10 steps. At times fear based BS would well up; maybe you're too old to be doing this, maybe you will have a heart attack, It's not worth the risk, but I'd just look up ahead, and through the snowy mist I would make out someone on the trail ahead of me and I would say "There! If they can I can! Also, Bolivia is a long way from Australia, so to stop 100M/50M/20M short of such a goal?
Uh Uh, that was never going to happen.
I have included 3 photo links as a pictorial representation of what I said, should you be interested in seeing them :)
When you first have doubts that you can finish
When you contemplate that the last 20M may actually kill you
When you're glad you didn't give up
Thanks again for sharing brother,
Together we tell a tale of Fire and Ice :)

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