
Do you remember how this all started? I posted a reply to user krypto asking if he had read your whole post before replying (which he obviously hadn't) and you went off with not 1, but 3 replies to me as if I had ran over your cat or something. Now I don't know why that pissed me off so bad. I write about people verifying their introduceyourself posts all the time cause I want it to be authentic when I upvote something and not let the abusive ways of blockchain anonymity to be free to do whatever they want for quick profit. And in most cases posts will do much better with verification. But you instead got self-defensive INSTANTLY without me even replying or direcring anything at you.
Thia is when I got curious, so I started reading the rest of your posts. (Cute cat btw, I love cats) and I also liked the coloring book and that's a good way to earn money - hope you sell more of it.

But just because this place used to be "mostly male" and you happened to be one of the few women here, you probably noticed you were making real money and getting attention at the same time. So this is where things statrted becoming intresting. Your posts were coming more frequently, the level of posts went from somethibg like "my father used to rapw me and why I'm glad he is dead" to "this one time I shit in a cup and had some family drink from it." Let me tell you that reading them all at once is like binge-watching a TV show 4-8 episodes a day. You remember every little detail pretty well and anyone who would do the same would notice where your stories weren't adding up anymore. More lies came to light, more questions arised and more doubt abouy the reality of your "blogs". I actually got pissed off you wasted your own chance like this and made me lose all respect for you. When I one the 2nd tile replied with something hurtful on purpose but brushed it off as it being a joke, it was just a test to see how you would react. The way you reacted to it was priceless. You first said you weren't downvoting my replies, yet I saw you do it and called you out. Steemd showed the downvotr and un-vote command, yet you still continued lying and then downvoted the rest of my comments or had some other account do it. You couldn't admit you were acting ridiculous, you just dug your whole deeper. Then at some point I stopped givibg a fuck but when I noticed this thread and that some other people have started seeing through your shit, I was even more sure that what I saw to be made up back then was true.
In the altcoin business you learn to decipher fakes and uselessness pretty well after a couple years, guess it helped filtering through people too.
I'm gurssing when you noticed more girls were coming to the site and being more popular or famous than you, you got jeolous so you decided to step it up a notch with the posting. (and I'm pretty sure I know who you were referring to by saying "lol these skinny blind bitches get all the attention" or something similar.
But with every blogpost more bullshit came out. Its not hard to fake all these stuff you talk about in this day and age. I predicted you would go the "I'm here to help other women who have been raped" and the example posts you have posted here are so ridiculously fake and created by yourself that it surprises me you would think the rest of the internet are that dumb to believe them. You may have been able to get away with this fake shit on facebook where most people believe anything, but here where it took us 1 hour to turn a man who wanted the world to think he was bitcoins creator and had fooled devs and the media of being so, into the laughstock of the year by calling out his fake try to verify the signed message. Just like you.

Anyway, good luck, hope you wake up some day and realize you wanna do something real with your life instead of being addicted to whatever it is you are now and the biggest mystery is why you have to drink yourself uncounciess every time... lol.

Oh and @stellabella or whatever you are called. Nice job with downvoting comments, please go tl r/bitcoin if you like censoring stuff. I don't give a shit what your steempower is, you don't seem to be the brightest tool in the shed either when reading your recent posts.