Dear Emily who works at Voice, plz make intro posts on steemit! there IS NO KYC on as u know it, on anymore! No Gov ID just a selfie & maybe theyll ask for a p2p verified daily selfie upload if u want to get paid? but POSTING is free

in #voice4 years ago

heres a copy of my post made to ask voice staff to come to Hive to make introductions and inviting us all to voice (which doesnt use kyc anymore as you know ot, you use human signup no paperwork! ) they may ask for a daily selfie verified by your friends to actually withdraw btc or eos but hey thats fair and secure AND thats the whole web of trust @dan cant tel us about until its released

and they SAY they wil advertise but so did @steemit haha but hey imagine when voice uses its new googlecloud connections at @blockone ;)
so lets get Emily welcomed at steem and hive and golos!

so lets help them become a true @underground guerilla marketing force for social media blockchain and invite @emily from voice here !


hah she actually really cute and perfect brain bait for al the horny nerd weeds over here on hive who NEED powerful women to beta orbit haha jk jk but she honestly could be another @sweetsssj but New England style but she has to also travel and, i can tel she wants to travel and meet voice users around the world like stemians in the past, but more officially..because voice cafe in @eoscafe style is the best way to spread our fungal mycelium roots for blockchain social media

emily looks smart and like she wil actually take pride in eosio and even dpos and see the value of simple community run dpos like hive without any smart contracts that we know....i think this @lukestokes coined "layer0" approach is so important we should even ask @battleaxe to become her best friend

Dear @emily kindly create an intro post for yourself again inviting steemians and users to and I can get it $100 upvotes to the front page like a banner ad to join voice. I can also buy cheap $1 to $20 a day voice ads of the official website imagery on . we can spend any hive or steem we make on ads for voice users just wanting to invite their friends. There is a misconception and irrational fear about "KYC' and we need some star users of and to come join voice and show that its "ok" and they dont have to give up a passport or ID etc.

thanks emily! I wrote a way craaazier mesage below but thats al I really wanted to say above: hive and steem users hate the idea of voicirrationaly right now due to misconception about signup being some evil kyc...... we need to prove to them that its painless and no government paperwork, no paperwork at al is needed in human signup!

yes yes human signup, Emily I call upon you to teach the and users about the Voice Human Signup so that they may be enlightened with the knowledge of Dans new product. They feel like abandoned children and they must be shown that @dan has returned for his children and has created a Boring company tunnel to the promised land.

----end serious message-------

------begin more colorful message below lol -----

Emily , friend of DPOS, we NEED you to make a Intro Post on Hive.Blog and which are the sites that have much of the talent that CREATED the Foundations for EOS and Voice. we MUST show a respect for this talent pol that came before voice and pioneered the curation and everything voice uses,

THEY ARE SO AFRAID of kyc its literally holding back 1 million steem hive and telos and even EOS users from joining VOICE! We should honestly do intro posts on ALL platforms but and are a great start!

The hive and steemians are simply scared of "KYC" and there is no traditional KYC here anymore...we MUST tell the millions of users in and that IS SAFE to JOIN and the need for a id upload was only for the first initial layer of the web of trust or whatever you want to phrase it as.......just tell the masses who DESERVE to be here, that it IS safe to join. Everyone is confused, even I dont know what the signup process on an android or ios looks like since i cant get close to anyone in person these days to watch and im already signed up hah

I saw this post and realized with females dominating Instagram making Trilions for their male stock holders of facebook, wel now is a chance for you and other female friends of yours to empower themselves in the flags of the nations of blockchains, wrapping yourselves in the electric blankets of liberty wont find it on the east coast tho, thats for sure. Come set up in the West Coast where we have actual freedom fighters crating a new digital governance, not silicon valley but here in San Diego and Baja California Tijuana to Cabo San Lucas...when Trump buys Baja California, it wil become a new real estate gold rush ad can rebuild it for tourism

You can find the American @sweetsssj the popular female Chinese Steem user who would make thousands of dollars everyday of a new travel post around the world.

As soon as she joins a fury of Chinese Liberty Minded crypto investors follow like a wildfire in the minds of men after that golden dragon of travel freedom and economic self determination.

@emily we call on YOU to make TRIBUTE to those who came before Voice.

Dan Larimer himself created the halls of Steem which birthed his EOS creation like soil for a EOS seed to grow and it did! and now the eos tree is bearing its first google fruit

lets make sure we INVITE hive and steem to voice! its not healthy to disregard those who MADE you and gave you your bilions is rude, and yes ONLY made that 4 billion which pays YOUR pay roll because of Steemians like ME who were buying YOUR ICO token , at 50 cents creating a freaking bottom haha people on STEEM are the ONES who put btc and eth INTO eos to prop it up!

here is proof @dan larimer is just using HIS steem system for voice

eos was proof that steem had a lot of shadow iceberg wealth no one was paying attention to until dan larimer realized he could get his fot in the door and ethereum erc20s were ful of scams, but tens of milions of dollars a day could be had, so he realized this and raised 4 billion in an erc20 ethreum ico, ghe money changed hands through and now YOU are paid from that payroll

lets rememeber that!

My SBD and the posts i made explaining how to buy EOS with expensive SBD is why eos went so high...steem backed dolar was pumped by @kingscrown and that let us sell SBD for BTC to get ETHEREUM to buy EOS which just had the smartest tech so everyone bought it

if it wasnt for MY steemit posts telling my steem friends whose accounts team with eos, to buy EOS at 50 cents, ha it could have droped down much lower and there would have never been a finalized sale of the 140,0 BTC and stock sale for private shares of b1, al that depended on EOS actually staying above $1 and we saved it at 50 cents

"Now is the time to buy steem EOS & XLM i said 
apr 2018

but best ones are my blocktrades and exodus screenshots showing me teling others how to KYC swap steemit made posting to BTC to EOS

wow this post is from 3 years ago


Millions of users in steemit and hive?

I recon 20,000 - max.

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