Some thoughts about Vocations and Purposes in life

in #vocation5 years ago

A disclaimer - in the following message I am going to speak in abstract and artificial manners in order to present "unearthly" notions. If spirituality and such are not your favorite reading-material or if you consider those topics 'pointless mambo-jumbo' then you probably will prefer to skip this message altogether.


Credit: ART ON theMART

What is the common denominator for President Trump, The Pope, Mother Theresa, the biblical King David, The gifted footballer David Beckham, Jean D’arc, Bill Gates and the musician John Lennon?

Many humans periodically ask themselves: 'what is the meaning of the earthly existence?', and in specific 'what is MY purpose in this lifetime?’. As expected, the answers vary according to life-circumstances and other elements. Some would say justly that the questions themselves are biased because they presuppose only ONE vocation or ONE purpose to one's life whereas it is well known that the self is multi-dimensional.

Whatever the case may be and without further adieu let me say that the purpose of human existence and therefore the ultimate vocation of any human being is to become the best version that they can be. The soul would not desire to leave this physical system until it completed its vocations and learned to BE the most favored version of itself. Indeed, it may take thousands of lifetimes in this regard but because ultimately time is just an illusion it also happens instantaneously.


Naturally, the question arises- what does it mean to be the most favored version of oneself?

And to answer that I will begin with saying what it does not mean - the industrialized society teaches us to succeed in life, to become famous, successful, rich, beautiful and creative; from childhood we are pushed, by media and other social-agents, to "make it" in a competitive society and 'win the game'. Our success in life is mostly measured by the mentioned parameters which leave most of the human-beings allegedly unsuccessful and therefore seemingly failing to fulfill their vocation.

However, success measured by the above mentioned common terms is overestimated. Indeed, it is appropriate to succeed in life, to become rich, to have a well-founded career etc. But those achievements are only part of the picture. They represent only one aspect of the self and therefore such over-emphasis on them blinds the person involved to achieve other goals that are part of her blueprint since birth.

Being the most favored version of oneself means to become a human being who is developed in all four areas of the human existence – intellectually, emotionally, physically and spiritually. A human being who has developed himself fully in those fields has fulfilled his vocation.

In the history of the human race, we did witness several such individuals who have excelled in all four areas. I will not mention names now because it may cause you to compare yourself to those people and so to wrongly think that you can never fulfill your vocation as they have.

  • Being a great athlete is wonderful but you do not need to win an Olympic medal in order to excel physically. Rather, all you need to do is to maintain your physical health and reinforce your mind-body connection. Once you are able to influence your body’s health and status with your mind and soul, you ‘made it’.

  • Being rich and famous can be a wonderful human experience but you do not need to have yachts and castles in order to excel. Rather, you should strive to live your lives emotionally balanced. Once the little dramas no longer preoccupy you, and your days are filled with creativity and exploration rather than gossip and conspiracies you can know that you ‘made it’.

  • Writing articles and teaching others can be an intriguing and stimulating experience but you do not need to become the world’s smartest person in order to fulfill yourself intellectually. Rather, simply ask questions out of your curious nature and then allow the answers to present themselves to you. Once you manage to have a continuous conversation with life in which an open channel is always kept between the outer and the inner, you ‘made it’.

  • And the last element you know yourself – It does not matter if you are the spiritual leader of a nation or if your wisdom is widely spread all over the world until you become the exalted Guru for many followers. When you know that you are the leader of your own life, when you realize that the only real Guru that you ever need to follow is YOU, then you ‘made it’.

Those successful human-beings mentioned in the preface – each in his/her own field – are an example of people who managed to greatly accomplish one aspect of their Selves in their specific lifetime. Have they ‘made it’? have they fulfilled their destiny and grand vacation? have they completed the cycle of incarnations and now can move forward? – This is only for them to answer in their private chambers.

We, the observers in our own private universes, should only watch, draw conclusions and make choices.



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