"Get to Know Me": A Glimpse Into My Working Life and a Few Thoughts

in #vlog7 years ago (edited)

When I joined Steemit 11 months ago, I freely admit that I muddled my way along. I wrote my "Introduce Yourself Post" like you would for a Keynote speaker or like a small bio that you would find at the bottom of professional blogger's website. I thought I needed to be short, sweet and to the point (not realizing at the time how different Steemit actually was compared to other sites on the internet).

I also thought that I needed to protect my privacy. For some reason. I guess this was left over Facebook programming. You know the kind that warns against accepting strangers into your inner sanctuary...even if that inner sanctuary is or was digital.

As a result, I thought that I should only follow other people on Steemit whom I had developed a relationship with and knew a little bit about. I was advised (by others who had come to this platform before me) that if I wasn't selective in who I followed, my feed would become cluttered and I'd have a hard time finding the people's posts who I have the most in common with or share similar interests with.

I was also warned that it wasn't a good idea to randomly follow people...especially new people when they first decide to join because they might not stay and I might not have any shared interests with them and this might happen and that might happen and before I knew it, I found myself in a bit of a box.

Boxed in on a site that was supposed to be exceptionally liberal, uncensored and about changing the way we have always done things. The whole point was to reclaim your power back, create a new way to live and in the process live happier, more healthful and generally better than you did yesterday.

Well, I did just what I thought I was supposed to do (after heeding all the warnings that I received). 

I only followed people that I had worked on building a relationship with. I was responsible with my small voting power and I upvoted and commented almost everyday. My blogging became more consistent. I invested a small amount of money in the platform and I made a point to take most of my payouts in 100% Steem Power. 

I made the decision to hold my Steem in Steem Power because I personally want the platform to excel in every way. I am willing to work towards this common goal.

For everyone's benefit. 

I know that there are countless other Steemians (just like me) all working towards this same goal.

Since HardFork19 and the introduction of many new people to the platform, I have changed my operating strategy, somewhat. 

I am working on building my followers regardless of whether I know anything about them. I reasoned that if they have suddenly found themselves on Steemit, from seemingly out of nowhere and have decided to take a chance on it, and start a comment thread on one of my posts then, that (for me) was enough commonality between us and was a good enough reason as any, to follow them.

I consider them to be my Steemit brothers and sisters.  They might just not realize it yet.

I also know that they may not be in the top 25% of all Steemians who are allegedly suppose to love everything I create and show me with 100% of their upvoting power.

In my opinion, this is an elusive marketing statistic that suggests that only 25% of all potential customers will actual love everything you have to offer and support you no matter what. This same statistic goes on to imply that in business you "should only" focus your attention on finding out who those people are, communicate with them and then let them buy what you're selling.

When I think about this concept of selectively trying to find and follow a highly defined group of people it sounds very time consuming and like finding a needle in a haystack. Next to impossible.

If one of the goals is to grow the platform, then I think we need to embrace new people, support and help them, whenever we can. It seems to me that we all benefit when we stay motivated and taste a little bit of success. In my opinion, this can only be achieved if followers are built-up fairly quickly and personalized feedback is received in the form of comments and eventually, Steem.

I remember how excited I felt when I received my first few followers and comments. My world opened right up.

In an effort to help you get to know me a little bit better, I made a video of where @knarly327, @dianelyndon and I spend most of our week days:

I realized that the sauna segment is black. I promise, I will get better at this whole vlog thing. Plus, I'm happy to announce that I made my own Youtube channel because @knarly327 wanted his channel back. Can you imagine?

(I posted this video, July 14, 2017 on my rebeccaryanschannel Youtube channel.)

Thanks for taking a few minutes to get to know me a little better. I look forward to getting to know you better too.

I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey.

~ Rebecca Ryan 



What a pleasure to learn more about you and @knarly327 and your healing practice! What a gorgeous space the two of you designed and built, and well situated. You two have good design sense.

I wonder why you were given such strange advice initially on steemit, namely not to follow anyone you didn't know something about! Anyway, glad you expanded recently. I know that I never would have learned about half of the incredible people I've met here had I not taken that risk, yourself included and you are on my top 10 list of favs.

Hi @natureofbeing! I'm so glad you took a chance on me and I a chance on you.

It was because of advice like this, (which I received from multiple folks) whom I considered to be wiser and more experienced than I regarding how Steemit should work socially and reward-wise.

It's not the worst advise in the world but I have come to learn, first hand that it is flawed, which "could" be part of the reason, my posts aren't being seen now like they should be. At almost 1,000 followers, more than 30 should be able to see my posts, yet routinely this is where I sit, every day.
I also think that as the workings of the platform evolve, so too should our platform habits. So, I am working on building relationships with people to see if that will make any difference. I am also trying to write something almost everyday, (which I've been doing for months) so that I can keep the interest of the followers who do regularly make an effort to keep up with what I am doing. Thanks for regularly checking on me! LOL!!! I feel like the lone watcher in a fire tower.
Gawd! It sounds like I'm whining and that's not my intent. I'm only looking for ways I can improve. Thanks again. xo

It doesn't sound like you're whining at all! Posting every day is a huge amount of work if you also work a full time job, so kudos to you...I'm lucky if I can manage to post every few days. You just need to get noticed by some whales I think ;-) and that will make a lot of difference. I was extremely lucky that on my first post several whales noticed me and have voted on most of my posts although not all. I've been trying to think of ways to engage in a more involved way - other than posting and being a very regular curator and commenter. Maybe we can collaborate on something (?) I don't have any ideas yet but who knows, maybe one will arise!

Thanks for being a sounding board for me. I really appreciate being able to share my thoughts with you. That's actually helpful.
I have spent the last 2 days going back to the drawing board to research and learn by fielding advice that others have written on the topic. I am approaching all of this with a grain of salt because who really knows? Could be all a big game of chance and these tweaks I'm considering making, may not make a hill of beans difference but I have to try something.
I have come away with thinking that I could improve the way I write my post titles. I could improve my formatting by adding headings and subtitles when I write longer posts. I also thought that I need to do better bringing value to the table for people when I do write because of the "open source" "giving" nature of the way the platform is structured. I have learned that Steemit is a gift economy as opposed to a commodity economy. My nature is to give and help and I came away thinking that I need to give more value in terms of sharing information that people can actually use and integrate into their lives.
Here's a post that @stellabelle wrote that talks about the differences in gift vs commodity economies. https://steemit.com/gifteconomy/@stellabelle/the-reason-you-don-t-understand-steemit-it-s-like-a-gift-economy-not-a-commodity-economy
I have probably been approaching Steemit as a commodity economy, instead of a gift economy.
I would happily collaborate with you on a project. Right now I am trying to decide what useful things/subject topics that I can share that will help others. I am not going to get too carried away with this because I still want this process to be fun as opposed to a job, I don't really care for. (It's getting up there with cleaning toilets. Hahaha!)

I'll take a look at @stellabelle's post, from its title I think she's right. I think one of the keys to success here is to support others with feedback, comments, votes as well as offering useful content. However, you already do all of that! And...I have to admit that I decided early on that I wanted to use steemit to practice my storytelling skills, to have a forum to share my voice on subjects that I can't or don't really share elsewhere, and to get perspective on my studio life. This is rather selfish actually, but it's made me let go of rewards and know that I would post regardless of the price of steem. As its turned out, my biggest sources of satisfaction here have been a result of the connections made from my posts but also from those I've met here and have regular contact with. I even organized a meet-up in NYC when I visited there in Feb and was so excited to meet people I've connected with here. Anyway, I'm just rambling about things you already know, but this conversation of how to make this click for each of us is interesting to me. I have an idea for collaborative community challenge...will try to find you on steemitchat to discuss

Nice to see a glimpse of your clinic - it's a lovely space.

I've changed my voting behaviours too. One of those changes is that I'm upvoting all comments on my posts, just a little bit. But even that little bit is more than before the HF. I'm trying to encourage new members when I can, though that does mean that I miss a lot of posts from some of my old favourites. So I haven't got the balance right yet. But there is only so much you can read in a day.

Hi @kiwideb!
Great to hear from you!!! Yes, I have been doing the same thing. Many times, my comment upvoting is awarding more than a new Steemian is making on their posts and I am making every effort to upvote responsibly...like at 1-6% for smaller comments and more depending on the value that has been brought to the post discussion. I might field 50 comments per day, at this point, so I am managing to get back to folks with replies consistently. This seemed like a better way to manage and spread rewards around.
The downside is that I know I am missing great content and have to make a point of visiting blog pages, instead of using my feed. I haven't got this balance right either, but I will continue to try. :)
Thanks for commenting and voting. I appreciate it and I know how thin you are spread too...so thank-you. ;)

Yes, I'm going to blogs too as I never get down my feed. So yesterday I thought, ooh I haven't pooped over to see Rebecca for a while...

Well, thanks for stopping by Deb! I will make a point to get to your page more often too. It has taking me a couple of weeks to adjust to the changes and figure out how things are going to work. Then we've had the severe dip in coin-value so that's throwing a wrench into things too.

I just don't know what to say. I wrote a post about planning for some life activities and then implementing your plan. You and knarly327 have done just that.
It takes a lot of time and thinking through to what is the best approach to achieve the desired results. And adding your "YouTube" channel could be a big help in growing your Steemit family following. Exposure is always a big help.
What I have found about trying to grow my Steemit followers. The time it takes is a lot. Your YouTube channel may help you. At least we can now have a more clear understanding of what you and knarly327 are all about in your life.
Thank you


Thanks Francis!
I just thought that it was time that I became more of a real person to people. I think it's easier to relate to a person when they "show and do".
I rarely talk about the facet of my life that involves the work I do as a therapist.
Partly, because I've done it for so long, it seems mundane to speak or write about it, but it's a big part of my life and now you've had a chance to see where we spend a large portion of our time during the week. :)

Thank you Rebecca
After today's work, I think I need a massage. Never had one in my life. Hmmm Maybe I am an alien. Ha
No chiropractor either. Even though Pat's nephew is one. Surely an alien Francis.
Not many doctor's either. When my time comes. just a man with a dirt shovel. Ha
Thank you for your upvote. I do appreciate it.

"off topic"
One of my family members is having trouble placing a post on Steemit from his phone.
He can follow, (he did) and when I follow him, it shows up on his page.
More to check I guess. I know a lot, but not so much about phone posting.


Interesting reflection, Rebecca, thank you for sharing. I found that my following/voting strategy has also changed similarly lately, compared to when I first joined Steemit last October. The influx of new users and the HF19 caused the change. It’s new times of a more dynamic growth and exciting possibilities to connect with (and, in some cases, help guide) the new members of this community. It would be unwise not to adjust one’s behaviour on this platform in view of these new developments.

Thank you for taking a few minutes to read and comment @oleg326756.
I appreciate you also sharing that you have changed your strategy too. It only makes sense that we must also keep changing what we do to stay current on the platform. It's one big puzzle game that I have been attempting to figure out as I go and because it's so social it feels counter-intuitive to me not to remain open to meeting new people unless they prove their worth. How can they prove their worth if they are never given a chance or even encouraged to try. I say "Welcome aboard. Show me what you've got and I'll help you where I can."
If no one helped or extended an olive branch to me, I would've thrown in the towel months ago. :)

Thanks Rebecca for mentoring me! Oh by the way, everyone, she is a very talented massage therapist as well, as I can attest from over 10 years of monthly visits which have saved me from pain and discomfort on countless occasions!

LOL! @brightongreg, thank you for for kind words and for your awesome testimonial. I am humbled. :)

I can say it's great to officially know you better now (:

Thank you @journeyoflife! Thanks for having a look and commenting. :)

always (:

loved the video nice to connect :)

Nice Video :)

oh that was awesome to know more great video :)

Thanks @blazing! I'm trying! :)

Nice to meet and know abit about you @rebeccaryan
Upvoted and followed :)

Thank you @fsllc!
I appreciate that you took the time to read and comment.
Welcome! I have followed you.

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