Vlog - My Takeaways from the State of Steem Forum

in #vlog6 years ago

Big shout out to everyone that was speaking and not speaking last night on the State of Steem Forum. Thanks to @pennsif, @teamhumble @llfarms and @imacryptorick for putting it together and a shout out to all the panel speakers. In this video I will share with you some of my take away from this first forum.

Also a shout out to all the curators hating the #plank-contest and in this video I explain why I think these type of contests are good for steem. Its all about engagement and meeting new people and fostering community spirit.

If you are doing the #plank-contest I will try and upvote as many participants as I can so keep going.

Shameless Promotion
Like what we are doing? Dont forget to vote for @steemcommunity as your steem witness. You can vote for our witness using SteemConnect here: https://steemconnect.com/sign/account-witness-vote?witness=steemcommunity&approve=1

Please feel free to join us if you are interested in our "Doing PLANK!" challenge!!!
To encourage people doing an easy exercise in a daily basis,
Spend ONE-MINUTE in doing PLANK.
Keep doing this for a month and you will see something is changing from your body.
We spent so much times sitting in the office everyday and we hardly move or workout after office hour. The thought of exercise are gradually slipping away from our daily life.
This planks challenge only takes ONE-MINUTE from you everyday
It’s very acceptable for everybody as I believe :)
How to join
Warm-up and prepare yourself to take the challenge
(If this is your first time to do PLANK, just take it easy and try to do 30 seconds or less! And then slowly increase the time to one-minute)
Take a snap tube when you’re working on it
Upload the clip to dtube or put the shot into your post. Or you can nominate others to join as well
You can use this as a topic
[Day 1] "Doing PLANK" 1 min PLANK challenge for 30 days [30天平板支撐挑戰]
Tag #dtubesnap and #plank-contest
HANG ON for 30 days

@yanyanbebe and @minloulou will host this challenge, so join me and have some fun

▶️ DTube

Thanks so much for the summary of the State of STEEM forum, keeping us informed!
I'm loving Steemit and the people I am meeting here in wonderful communities!
I would be so disappointed to see it disappear.
I've put on my thinking cap to what i could provide to the communities and I'm working on one idea that would make compilations of related content to reduce the resource credits used when sharing that information.
I'm having trouble with Steemit not supporting iframes and such, different ways of embedding these flipbooks I am putting together. I have to put my head together with some other more techy type people for ways to over come this. It's a work in progress!

I do have one concern about a question raised - "Do you really think the banks and government, corporations,etc. will let the people have a decentralized system that they can't control? Could it be possible that they are allowing the early investors and developers to spend there funds developing it and they will collapse it to revive it to their own means.
I don't mean to be negative but that is a possibility and I don't care to be used.
I'm committed to keep on building the communities here but a little more detached for there is that concern lingering in my mind.

I too was looking in the past at iframes and the problem is that they can put bugs on the blockchain. I would be great to see a resolve to this and give you a away to embed your flipbooks to steem.

As for your concern, like any market with a lot of $$$ involved the government will try and have a major impact on. Will they try and collapse it, personally I don't think so, they are too corrupt and have to much money involved themselves :-)

I too hope they can resolve the iframe issue for I have lots of ideas I'd like to implement.
Perhaps that governments try to impact it, not collapse it, would be a better situation for if We, fellow Steemians stand strong the lesser their impact can be!
Thanks for your response!

I'm totally agree with you that steem isn't all about great contents, or something.
It's all about engagements and communities.
I love participate all kind of engagement contests on the steemit platform, it makes me know more people. And I'm trying to engage as many people(especially newbies) to make them feel welcomed on steemit.

With so many great dapps(partiko,dtube,steemhunt,actifit,steemmonsters,steepsho,etc), steem isn't only the blogging platform for all people.

steem is so many things to so many people and if a movement starts here such as the plank contest and it gets people engaging and having some fun, then its a win.

The future of steem is exciting, keep doing what you are doing

Great style! love the tone of your message here! really cant wait to work with you on steem improvements and come across you more here on steem! Really want to look at either departmentalising or institutionalising steem via 10 or so individual 'areas of discipline that would take the work that we all repeat on the blockchain and pool resources around these functions. I also would like to see how we can promote steemians to carryout certain recognized roles withing the community. i.e. curator community organizer, creator, entrepreneur, technical reviewer, etc. Then finally come up with a way to organize it all. At the same time we must put measures in place to ensure transparency and rotating governance / consortium management such that we do not centralise the blockchain.

This will result in a organized, efficient community that can disseminate ideas and bring the right resources to serve potential clients, businesses and initiatives, IP, tech and communication around the community! We need to begin the operation of this system / value system / best practices manually until we have ironed out the kinks. Following this we either need to build these into the blockchain via hard fork or come up with our own platform that runs on top of the blockchain and automates much of the hard work involved.
Problem, is that this is a major undertaking and needs focused, ethical, accountable, dedicated management and platform development by the community for the community. And before that happens this idea would need to get buy in from the community! Would be good to hear your thoughts on this?

HI @starkerz and thanks for visiting my blog, what an amazing reply. What you speak about is exactly what I feel should be done. The community needs leaders to initially set up and get the ball rolling on this but yes, its a major undertaking. Whats happening now is that there are a few splinters, such as marketing via steem promo task force, but on their own may not be fully aligned or strong enough to have an impact. I am hoping that with the state of steem forums we will be able to gather all these leaders together so we can all work together and support each other and come out with some actionable items and people taking initial lead.

I don't think its going to be too difficult to get buy in from the community, the general conscious is that something needs to happen and the community need to step up. Once there is transparency and we communicate whats going on allowing people to have a voice, I think we will get a lot of support from the community.

If we can get this right, we can really strengthen the blockchain and add massive value to STEEM. haha with any luck this value will eventually be reflected in the marketcap.

This is IT! spot on!!

Galvising is a word I've never used to describe an event but I think it fits last night's epic forum!

Thanks so much for yr behind the scenes efforts.

Now get down and give us 120. 60's hardly a challenge it's a warm up!

Posted using Partiko Android

haha, 120 love it.

Yep the forum was epic and I cant wait for the follow ups

Great video I will tune in for the next one

good stuff

One has to wear many hats here
Trying them all for size hahaha
Yes, the plank challenge... I should get on board...
I hope I remember to start tomorrow
I shall set a reminder :)
Thank you @paulag
I tried to listen ... for me was this morning 4am
Managed to catch bits and pieces, now waiting for the recording... 4.5 hours... like woah....

Thanks for supporting plank challenge!
You can check out more information at below link :)
Also ...use #plank-contest as tag!
Cheers :D


Posted using Partiko iOS

Hope you do join us, its fun, a way to get a strong core and a way to engage with others.

The forum was long, but very good, I missed the last bit myself and will be looking at the replay


Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks a lot for supporting our challenge from the beginning... I am really wanna say “Thank you” :) I know some of them keep saying this is a really shit idea...but the main purpose I wanna share is ...exercise daily...even only 1 min :)
I agree what you explain about engagement...and I think most of the participants are really trying their best with us as well!!!
Thank you and thank you :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Its not a shit idea. I love it. These things strengthen communities and foster relationships. Its great to see so many more people engaging with these posts and also the added extras people are now adding to the videos and posts. Don't worry about the negative and focus on the positive. Look at all the people that are doing this now. Be proud of what you have achieved and I will continue to support this challenge and those that engage with it :-)

I am really impressed that so many ppl willing to join us...support us and keep it up for 30 days!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for your constant support and encouragement.😘 I think this is also one of the ways to promote friendship. Besides, this activity is also very meaningful. Everyone can find happiness from it.😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Im having fun, and lets face it, we are meeting new people too, its all good

I don't have time to watch, but I'm assuming things were positive (-:

very positive. hahah if you don't have time for this then you wont have time for the 4.5 hour replay.

Oh by the way, I always watch things in fast play, you should try it ;-)

The forum was great to experience for sure. Still many things that we as a community need to come to consensus with to find ways to improve but the underlying consideration that is consistent is decentralizing and making Steem a more sustainable ecosystem for the future.

Posted using Partiko iOS

the only way is up :-)

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