YES I am from the HOOD @mughat and I will never be ashamed of it!!!!! I got your purpose right here!!!!!

in #vlog7 years ago (edited)

It'll be a sad day in hell when I become ashamed of where I am from. I'm tired of people like @mughat looking down on us.  You might have a little bit of what you call money and you might have had a great upbringing.  But does that make you better than me.  You express yourself in whispers and low tones and I choose to make my voice heard.  You say I am not civilized but what civilized man interrupts a conversation he is not part of.  In my neck of the woods you keep your opinions to your self or find yourself in an uncomfortable situation.  

Some of you may be wondering what I am speaking about so allow me to fill all of you in.  Over on discord today emotions were fired up and things were heating up quickly and @mughat decided to hop on voice and act all high and mighty. Once the "hood" card gets pulled or people start sayin "oh he's just acting ghetto" a fire get's lit under me. How does a ghetto person act @mughat do you know anyone in that situation?  I know many families in the "ghetto" who work extremely hard just to pay the bills.  Just to put some food on the table and still not have enough.  Just to see the gas man come and cut the gas in the middle of winter.  There are some lazy people where I'm from but there are far more hard working honest people where I'm from.  People with dignity and pride in what little they have accomplished.  People who are just happy to be alive.  But if someone acts a little unruly they are called "ghetto" and "hood".  

Get off your high horse and think before you speak.  You think you are better but in reality you are not.  I can go anywhere and walk with my head held high being me.  But can't be yourself in public, with your arrogant nature and pompous attitude.  Because if you acted this way in public you would have been taught a lesson long ago and I would not be writing this.  So every time you go outside you are forced to be someone you are not.  That must be exhausting.  I don't know how today ended up with me being angry with you.  I guess I'm just tired of hearing you talk down to people and tired of people just taking it.

You are right about one thing me and you are not the same.  We could never be the same.  I roll with people who love life to the fullest no matter what!!!!!! It's all about being positive and trying to help the next person. All you are worried about is trying to tear people down for what they believe in and where they from.  

Like it says in the title I will never be ashamed of where I am from.  I embrace it every single day and keep looking forward to where I know I'm gonna go.  And suckas like you are gonna be on the sidelines wondering how we got here.  

To all my fellow Steemologists always keep it real with yourself and stand up for what you believe in!!!!!!!

I hope you all enjoy this video

Until the next post


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When they ask me who I think I am. lol

Thank you for the information .. this is good news .. hopefully many who ngevoted you .. follow me maybe we can be friends well

Give yourself permission to immediately walk away from anything that gives u bad vibes.

Hater = Jealousy

GO get LAID go DO something. I do what it do. Great post Mr Viquez money isn't everything.

"the greater the struggle the more glorious the triumph" keep it up bro!

Fuck him. Point blank period. Stay blesee

Mad respect! Forget that Silver Spoon comeup!

The trailer park has got my heart. Not ashamed in the slightest. A persons challenges and his will to overcome them define them.

@mrviquez I like your philosophy you should be proud of where you are from. One thing I would like to say though is that you should never let people like that get to you, they just aren't worth it!

I usually dwell and get angry over the nasty things people say to me, but I am trying to turn over a new leaf. I am trying to just let that hateful crap wash over me, it is turning out to be quite a refreshing stance.

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