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RE: Why I Stopped Engaging!!!

in #vlog6 years ago (edited)

Engagement shouldn't be forced. People want to socialize because it is enjoyable, not because they have to. I left a comment on nathanmars video that pretty much says what you said. Sometimes, saying "nice video bro" is more authentic and meaningful then someone trying so hard (forcing themselves) to write a long and engaging comment, even if deep down, they just want to say "nice video bro." You end up with this long-winded fake comment.

I am actually happy with the comments I got on my last video. Most of them seemed authentic and gave me the impression that people actually watched the video. Personally speaking, I never wrote any fake comments on other people's videos. Sometimes their content doesn't inspire me to follow them, but I will watch a lot of people's videos and post a comment that is real to me. Sometimes they are long (like this one) because I actually enjoy writing this, or they are short, because I don't have much to say about their video. Other times, I will watch a video and have nothing to say about them, so I don't comment.

From now on, I'm just gonna say "fuck you" on all of your videos. Ok?

Fuck you.


Be the change that you want to see in the world

"I never wrote any fake comments on other people's videos"

Ha I wrote my comment and then saw I’d pretty much echoed you 😂😂

Posted using Partiko iOS

Fuck you too man.
This one in an authentic comment trust me.Hahaha

Oh yeah? take this downvote cocksucker!!🤟🤟

Hahahaha.Love every vote,don't be a racist.

What's wrong with downvotes? Still a VOTE!!!

I guess Christmas came early for you then. You're welcome.

Luckily you are just a worthless rep 63 :)

Fuck you Kenan. And fuck your long ass comment making me look like I'm not trying right now

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