Why I Stopped Engaging!!!

in #vlog6 years ago

On a energetic level, constant engagement was something I didn't find fulfilling for my being. Right now my focus will primarily be on engaging with the content I really find empowering for myself!

▶️ DTube

Dude, legit I know exactly what you are talking about. When I first joined Steem, I spent probably four hours a day reading or watching and then commenting. In the end, it felt like one of those dumb school assignments that they called "discussion."

Have zero expectation from others and appreciate everything !!

I think you misunderstood my video.

Maybe you didn't.

Anyway, I'm not entitled to anything. I'm nothingness

I still read every single one of the comments, and I always listen to the audience and to blockchain breathing in general

What I mean with my video is: I'm looking more for real connections that are fulfilling me from inside, connection that really feel good in every kind of way in terms of energy exchange rather than connecting with everyone... I can't connect with everyone

Maybe you aren't an empath... I don't know, maybe you are - but you have better ways of energy processing

I get tired from participating in things that I don't feel are 100% real and authentic, from the heart

Hey brother!

I guess, I've half miss understood your video and I watched your whole video!

It took me four years to get real connection with my partner and It took me 3 years to connect with some of my true friends.

Everything takes time and I know from attending SteemFest 3 there are lot people who respecting you as a real person.

Please understand that everyone has their own life priorities and I do think about you every day and It does not mean that I had to engage with all of your content.

We live in a kind of FAKE world where most people are thought to fake everything. Be you and be real and be authentic. With time and efforts you attract people who deserve your real connection and friendship!

Hope I explained my point of view brother!!

Yeah, engagement is a little hit and miss on here still. I now love the comments I get from people I met at SteemFest 3. I think since we've met in real life and know a little more about each other, it's much nicer.

Yeah bro, its way much easier that way. But don't get me wrong! Its still possible to authentically engage with someone here, it just depends are you doing it from the heart for the sake of connecting or you want something else :D

For example your comment here was engaging haha!

Good job! ;) lol

Engagement shouldn't be forced. People want to socialize because it is enjoyable, not because they have to. I left a comment on nathanmars video that pretty much says what you said. Sometimes, saying "nice video bro" is more authentic and meaningful then someone trying so hard (forcing themselves) to write a long and engaging comment, even if deep down, they just want to say "nice video bro." You end up with this long-winded fake comment.

I am actually happy with the comments I got on my last video. Most of them seemed authentic and gave me the impression that people actually watched the video. Personally speaking, I never wrote any fake comments on other people's videos. Sometimes their content doesn't inspire me to follow them, but I will watch a lot of people's videos and post a comment that is real to me. Sometimes they are long (like this one) because I actually enjoy writing this, or they are short, because I don't have much to say about their video. Other times, I will watch a video and have nothing to say about them, so I don't comment.

From now on, I'm just gonna say "fuck you" on all of your videos. Ok?

Fuck you.

Be the change that you want to see in the world

"I never wrote any fake comments on other people's videos"

Ha I wrote my comment and then saw I’d pretty much echoed you 😂😂

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Fuck you too man.
This one in an authentic comment trust me.Hahaha

Oh yeah? take this downvote cocksucker!!🤟🤟

Hahahaha.Love every vote,don't be a racist.

What's wrong with downvotes? Still a VOTE!!!

I guess Christmas came early for you then. You're welcome.

Luckily you are just a worthless rep 63 :)

Fuck you Kenan. And fuck your long ass comment making me look like I'm not trying right now

yes it's hard to be creative and equally productive in engaging

Basically impossible. If you are an artist, good one especially - you do whatever the fuck you want.

Sometimes you are introvert, other times you are extrovert - and that's exactly how everything should be :)

yes i agree, every artist reacts differently to engagement but definitely it can be overwhelming to promot oneself

Youre correct man, its better to have few true comments. You will appreciate that.

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Well said bro.
I won't right an essay explaining why I agree,I'll just say that if someone feels like engaging he will,but if he doesn't feel like it,he will engage like an idiot.

Definitely my skater bro! You didn't need to write anything longer - you made perfect sense!

Are you available for the interview today???

Maybe late at night man.
I'm at work right now and I finish in about 5 hours.Wanna text you when I get home?

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Yeah man, I feel the same... right there with ya on the same page

Thank you brother :) feels great to be on the same page with someone. I can see you are in that lotus position so nothing strange!

You're the man @enjoyinglife

Thank you Kenny! :P appreciate the support bro.

Engagement should only be done on the basis it’s something you like! I comment & resteem things I like and pass by stuff I don’t. That’s one of this platforms big failings, people that comment, upvote & engage without meaning it. If you appreciate someone’s content or enjoyed their video then it’s not a task it’s a conversation between like minded people, why people force engagement is beyond me.

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Engagement should only be done on the basis it’s something you like! I comment & resteem things I like and pass by stuff I don’t.

Agreed. Nothing without meaning how you stated, makes sense. Engagement is forced cause there are certain benefits you can achieve by doing it :) as things stand currently

It wasn't always like this and there was 10 times less engagement! hehe

Hopefully it can go back to how it was. I don’t understand why people force engagement or be fake for crumbs 😂

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Yes I agree with your point of view!

How about treating Dtube Platform as a Real and Honest Human being ? Then you'll treat everything makes you feel dtube is a living thing.

I treat AirBnb, Uber, Apple, StarBucks, MONEY, Nature and everything as real person and I show maximum respect.

I have maximum respect everything that adding value to my life and other's life.

I strongly recommend watching this video but you don't have too..

Man I live watching Gary Vee! That video made my eyes water 😂

There’s another great motivation speech I really like by Jim Carrey, it’s at the start of this video

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I attracted Jim Carrey's ENERGY in this video !! I'll do it few more times..

Thanks for sharing!

I also I live watching Gary Vee:))

Enjoy rest of your day !!

He makes some great points hey.

I think one of my favorite Gary Vee videos is him talking about making money from Craigslist, I like how he doesn’t mince his words and says it as it is.

You too my friend 😀

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