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RE: 🌌Crypto Corner - E11 🌌 - Crypto in High School

in #vlog7 years ago

Now if only all schools had some personal finance classes so the kids did not go out and blow their new found wealth on over priced garbage and regret it later in life.


Dude. Yes. That was me!

Well, I didn't really get into overpriced things as much as clothes... 👈 Girl. 😍

After leaving high school, it was SUPER easy to be dooped into a million student loans in college. Cause no one told us not to. 😕

At least somewhere, someone is trying to teach the kids. 😍

I was blessed i got to take it in college. Granted I've never had a taste for fancy things so very little temptation other drooling over computer hardware from time to time before picking up cheaper end stuff.

I think that is reason they don't tell you in hs because then you would not go to the schools that they allow into the classrooms to "advertise" to you how your life will be so great if you take out massive loan and go to their college. Come to think of it how is that even legal? System seems so set on destroying people and making them in debt to it.

I think you've hit the nail on the head.

The dummer we are, the easier to doop.

What I'm learning is that because of the way that humans naturally evolve (babies trusting parents and larger folks to show them the way), we don't actually get to the point of REALLY getting to know ourselves... and how to use logic thought, till AFTER like... 25.
I'm sure there are exceptions... but dang! I feel like was so trusting and accepting and doopable! Now, I'm just always aware I may be being lied to.

Just gotta do my due diligence now. Just to survive. LOL!

It should not be wrong trusting the people that are “suppose” to have our best interest in sight. It’s just a shame they only have theirs and are willing to sell us out to whatever college shows up tossing a few bucks at the school to let them in the doors and sell you on “hopes and dreams.”

Interesting enough by time the next generations are raised and we warm them about such things its outdated and there are new tricks on the block to take them in and exploit them financially.

I’ve always been rather frugal and mindset of being budgets ordinated. I do miss my accounting class so much. Ah I can just see the wonderful ledgers now.

Lol! Though I'm late to the game, I too, LOVE some ledgers. 😍
And budgets.

But you're right again. By the time we figure it out, the game's changed.

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