Thoughts: Does Theory Matter in Art?

in #vlog6 years ago

After all that talk about theory, I'm sure you're wondering if all that academia is worth the effort. Today's vlog is all about my opinion on the subject.

Video Transcript:
Hello! I am the artist known as DEROSNEC, and welcome to my weekly vlog where I talk about making music, art, movies, and more.

If you’re a regular viewer of mine, you probably just got through my series talking about Soviet Montage Theory. Over the course of posting them, I’ve gotten a few comments from people stating things like “thinking too much about academics messes with my creative flow” or “I just do what feels right in the moment”. While I agree to some capacity that it’s easy to overthink the creative process to the detriment of your project, let me a take a moment to try and convince you on why shouldn’t completely ignore academic theory.

Art Theory is Language

Academic art theory attempts to explore the psychology of how humans of all cultures and backgrounds interpret. They were developed out of a desire to communicate effectively, and usually are only accepted as valid after extensive experimentation and international peer review and discourse, much like the scientific community. Nothing comes from a vacuum.


Theories can change as culture, society, and technology changes. It’s an ever evolving sphere of knowledge, and there is lots to explore. In my humble opinion, it’s just like learning a language.

There’s always room to experiment (and you should experiment!), but you have to know the foundational rules of the language to be able to break them without your message getting totally lost in translation.

Know Your Audience

Once you have your foundation, you can do more specific research. A place I like to start, is to figure out who your audience is. Who is the story for? How will they interpret it?

Someone growing up in a poor town in a third world country is going to interpret things differently than an upper class person in North America - and I’m talking about more than just spoken and written languages. Colors, symbols, and figures have different meanings to different cultures.

Complicated Symbols

Once you know your audience, you can assess which theory would give you the best approach to use to convey your message effectively. Marketers understand this concept completely- it’s what makes them great at selling products!

Art For the Self vs For Others

On a slightly related note, it’s worth asking who you’re making a piece of art for. It’s totally fine to say “I only make art for myself”, but if you do that, and then get upset when people you show it to don’t understand it, then I’d say you need to reevaluate your position.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with making art for yourself. Ultimately, art is self-expression! You should make art for yourself! But part of being able to express yourself is actually being heard. How can others hear you and understand you if you’re not even attempting to speak their language?

So who do you make your art for? How do you make sure that your message is getting across in the way you expect it? Let me know in the comments below!

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NOTE: These Thursday Vlog transcripts can also be found published on my website:


It's always good to find an audience or niche that allows the artist to be authentic and not have to compromise for others. Better for the audience to change than for the artist to accommodate the audience by changing. @ironshield

That is absolutely true in so many ways! But I'd say even within a niche there is a language that you'll need to know in order to communicate most effectively. This shouldn't feel so much like "changing your art" but more like "building upon your art"

We may not always be aware of the theories and the structures of art, but that does not always mean there is none.

Great point! In a lot of ways, theories are "stumbled upon" when someone tries something new and it's realized that the art is being read a certain way. There is definitely a bit of give and take in the theory world.

very true what you say. At the end art is just a way we express, just like words we could express to ourselves or to the rest of the world :)

Exactly! Gotta learn the language of visual/audio expressions, or your message will be lost.

so important to know our audience, but i also like at the end how you mentioned the question of who we make our art for: in the end, i do think it is to free ourselves and continue expressing. in the end, the audience that receives that is the right audience and hopefully we find them lol! <3

Totally! It's all connected for me - know who you're trying to talk to, and you can make sure you are speaking the right language. Sometimes it takes time to find that audience, and learn the language for that matter, but if you don't even try then you'll definitely get nowhere.

I totally get that, and you covered many good points to how this being seen or understood as an artist is knowing your audience, which takes alot of effort but also being able to make art that you feel and if other feel it then you will know this is yout audience and these are your connections you makr along the path that your artistry takes.

be well my friend

Your peep in your audience that appreciates your grand expression and your art.

Thanks as always @krazypoet - people like you keep me going <3 <3

It's always a pleasure to see you :3

Always a pleasure to see YOU! :D

If @benfranz actually used his Steemit account (sadly he is still a drone for the Zuckerborg) he would love to discuss film theory with you.

I would love to discuss it with him, too! I could talk about it allllllll daaaayyyyyyy lolol

Couldn't agree more! My master thesis is on free improvisation (in music, specifically) and I have problems explaining people that free improvisation requires a lot of practice, theory, knowledge! Because ideas only come to you if you're ready to put them in action, and there's nothing more frustrating than wanting to play something and not being able to. To create is to deal with limits, and that's the very reason we want to push them!

Not to mention everything else you said about audiences and acceptance. If I'm to engage in sincere communication through art, I need to make myself heard and understood. Always. There are no "magic puffs" except for ourselves, but hopefully we can find the time to communicate to ourselves through art, as well...

100% agree, @derosnec!

you absolutely have to know your instrument through and through to be able to improvise! You gotta know your tools, and what notes create dissonance - I'm not even going to start on how many unique scales there are in the world, lol! Gamelan music is soothing and beautiful for some cultures, but considered noise in other cultures for example :P

In visual art, you have to know color theory to know which colours make what and in what mediums, then what those colors evoke in the audience.

To create is to deal with limits, and that's the very reason we want to push them!

I love this statement!!!

Couldn't agree more! Reading the audience and even choosing to ignore it is an act of knowledge, considering one is able to deal with consequences... Theory, knowledge, experience, but also inspiration, time, empathy... There is so much to it!

Also there's the fact that all improvisation is already intrinsically "free" so "free improvisation" is a redundant word. But in absolute no improvisation is ever free, since it's human-based and we'll always suck too much at being non-predictable no matter how much we try. (I know my master thesis is stupid because I should have left everything behind and only focus on this before even trying to apply these concepts).

About the statement, thanks! Now I just need to put a lame background and post on faceb... oh sorry, forgot I don't use that shit anymore

Synchronicity is a funny thing indeed :)
I am glad you are taking everything into account and making sure your video get to their audience. You are becoming not only an expert in videos but in marketing too 💚

Ha well, the ironic thing is that I'm great at theory - but not so great with the practical when it comes to marketing XD But I'm trying! Thanks for stopping by! :D

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oh my! Been catching a lot of trains recently :D haha
Thank you!!

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