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RE: Grateful Vibes #5, Motivation and Positivity <3

in #vlog6 years ago

Oh sister, I can totally relate! I've been in N Idaho for almost 3 yrs now, but the last two years we were busy building our home and started a hugelkultur bed, but not much happened in the way of actual gardening. A few days ago I could see tiny patches of brown on one side of the beds, only to get a surprise snowfall to cover it all again. Now, I must share that after living nearly 40 years in California, where we did not get the beauty of all 4 seasons, I am sincerely grateful for snow. We also homeschool and my husband works from home, so it's not the burden that it would be if I absolutely had to get somewhere on a daily basis. We just hunker down and enjoy it. However, since this year my goal is to get the garden going, I'm getting antsy! We also don't have a greenhouse yet, but maybe we'll piece together a mini-greenhouse just so I can get some seeds started. We'll see.

Anyway, great vlog. Loved the sun shining on your face and the lovely background music. Cheers to you!


Thank you for the comment <3 I have lived in Canada all my life but I didn't really start feeling the spring antsy-ness until I started gardening... I just love being out there growing things so much that it really gets to me! It's all good though. It's good to practice being patient <3

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