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RE: On VIVA and TradeQwik - A Heart to Heart from Dawn - August 5, 2018

in #viva6 years ago

Let's start with you Rick. Why did you transfer the funds from @tradeqwik to @tqn and then delegate it all to your personal account? That action was NEVER authorized by me but in my absence I've been assuming good faith on your part.

Nevertheless, you're in personal possession of tens of thousands of dollars in customer funds. I expect you to return those funds. Either directly to the customers as the audits complete, or turn them over to @tqnext. Refusal to comply will result in you being one of the pending litigation subjects Dawn mentioned.

There's going to be HUGE legal issues especially in regards to legal liabilities as we shake off the collapse and rise from the ashes. For instance, do we value assets in dollar terms or crypto terms when it comes to assess the total liabilities? It's questions like this that keep things like the audit held up. BTC was $20k when this happened it's now just shy of $7k and most of the other cryptos have fared worse.

I've kept my silence thus far because I'm doing my very best to assume that Joe's management of the ETH and Ricks management of the Steem deposits after things fell apart were done with the best of intentions

Currently Rick, you're abusing your role and your privilege as a fiduciary for personal financial gain and now you're using it to make some sort of contrarywise personal statement and while Dawn can't comment on litigation, I can tell you that every person given fiduciary roles during the crisis will be required to account for every penny since the day they assumed that role.

@instructor2121 and anyone else who had access to wallets, I'm officially requesting you cooperate with Dawn, Sherry, Meredith and Dan to get things reconciled and returned to customers during the bridging period.

However the account @tradeqwik was created by me and while you have been managing it in my absence, because you did not fulfill your obligation to earn your partnership, and now appear to be abusing privileges; I'm informing you that continued posting as @tradeqwik will constitute a violation of Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. I don't want personal control, you changed keys in my absence and that action means that your actions are provably your own.

Turn the @tradeqwik account over to @wiser her role as officially spokesperson for @tradeqwik was never changed. I can understand if she does not want that role especially now as we transition and thus if she does not want the role it can go to Meridith or Sherry while we sort things out.

For anyone interested...

@tradeqwik and constituted what amounts to a sole prop. This means I have and continue to have full liability for customer funds. I've never backed away from that position.

Prior to everything falling apart I was in the process of converting to a partnership in conjunction with Joe and Rick.

Once I discovered the duplicate withdrawal bug, I no longer felt comfortable turning it over in that condition. Since I've been back, I've focused on keeping quiet and just delivering what was promised while doing my best to cooperate with the auditors who have been going over every penny. Yet at the end of the day I remain liable for the customer funds that were deposited during my watch. I've never shunned nor shyed away from that liability.

But to protect customer funds I asked several separate people to assume a fiduciary role, meaning they were asked to hold funds until audits could be completed. Joe has done a good job, all ETH is still there, it's never moved.

Going over the Steem withdrawal records it appears Enrique enriched himself with dozens of transfers to @paul.allen which he will need to account for. My assumption thus far has been the creation of @tqn and transfer of all funds from @tradeqwik to @tqn was done to protect from further unauthorized activity and I'm willing to roll with that assuming Rick here returns the funds...

Legally this could get messy if we don't all work together to get the customers taken care of.

We have a plan to come out of this soon, and the good news is that assuming @instructor2121 and Joe and Craig and Michael Garcia all acted in good faith during my absence, everyone's money is protected. If not then it's going to be my job to make you guys whole again. This is why I've been completely hands off the last 8 months.

I've got things I've been working on. I'm excited to show them to you but let's clear the air here...

The blockchain is all about honesty and even though Steven claimed to have one, there wasn't.

This statement is untrue. In fact there were thousands of lines of code. As well as a handful of servers. The "no blockchain" came from the person brought in to "forensically search" my laptop. He did a great job of logging in as me with the password I gave him and then copying the wallet files for the crypto currencies, but he didn't even open the Projects folder like I instructed him to. I'll be having a serious discussion with him eventually when I have the time to.

The chain data itself was not present on the laptop because seriously, who even does that? The raw chain data IS the postgres log from I saw dozens of people downloaded the entire DB in my absence, but the idea with using a log feed mechanism was to allow companies to directly connect their existing systems to the VIVA Blockchain. The reason things didn't work out is because the node at could NEVER reconcile customer balances (which it was checking vs the native blockchain of the currency being reported), with what it was getting from db.tradeqwik. They remained forked and in hindsight we can see that this is because tradeqwik was reporting incorrect balances.

If you'd like, I'm more than willing to post complete address dumps and balance reports to show you the divergence, but suffice it to say the divergence is substantial.

This is why our new plan is to bootstrap using an existing blockchain and iterate towards everything that VIVA was supposed to be. This work is under way and has been since I came back and assessed the mess left over after collapse. We've avoided making announcements specifically because we didn't want to say anything until we knew we could deliver. But that time is drawing to a close.

VIVA is and always has been about recognizing that businesses fail for a myriad of reasons, but that it is possible to recover. No one has EVER done what we are doing here. However the intention is to address each account individually, show you the results of your personal audit, give you back your funds, or collect funds if you're one of the hundreds of people who received a net benefit from the bug.

I'll be back in a few days with a demonstration of the new stuff and some hard data to show you why the changes are necessary.

Thank you for your patience

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