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RE: EU as the enemy of Europe and its people

in #vincentb6 years ago (edited)

i think because saudis are some of the biggest twats in the world, instead of making a home for there so called fellow brothers, they would rather keep people away from oman and what not and they would rather pay germany like 30 or 40 billion to house asylum seekers and build some mosques.
thankfully eu has began to wise up, should follow the steps of poland more.
theres a video on youtube about this immigration crap, and eu has just only really started to recover from the bubonic plague, reason why foriegn rats, solution foriegn immigrants lol wtf !?
they say if this carries on its very likely that there wont be an actual white person left in continental eu within 50 years.
im not racist but jeez louise its the white man that has supposedly for ever done wrong this and that, get F'd its the white man thats the minority always having to take the short end.
saudis have nothing but sand gold and oil, so all these wars are bull shit, its just a way to spread there sand people to decent land.
with out wars or there fast amount of gold, there muslims brothers would not be moving or even exist

and the other shame is that for me its usually the foreign people that have been granted citizenship that make the rest look bad, so people dont get helped from actual dier situations

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