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RE: Covid relief: Financial assistance that we do not need

in #vietnam3 years ago

this kind of reminds me about some information I started hearing about the USA handouts of $600 or $1200 and that this money was offered to people who hadn't lost their jobs because of Covid and even people that were very well off.

Dude, there were people I knew who make $80000+ a year who got the first stimulus check here, that shit was a mess. I wasn't even eligible for two out of the three they sent out because I haven't been able to work due to my medical problems for the last 3ish years. I dunno if the government just didn't care and was going for a CONSUME. OBEY. SLEEP. approach, or if they're really just that incompetent on how to figure out requirements on free money.

Also, I think using some of your relief fund on cheese was the smartest decision you could have made. Cheese fucking rules.


That's friggin crazy man. but hey, I used to work for the government and honestly, they don't know how to do anything correctly and there are no punishments for doing something like this wrong. They also never run out of money so it doesn't matter that you give checks to people who are not out of work and are making 100k a year, right?

oh, i got a notice from my parents that I QUALIFIED for the first check or so said something that came in the mail to their place, and I haven't even lived in USA for nearly 20 years. I declined it but that is just insane that they have such awful checks and balances about who they are giving that money to.

The reason you were denied on the 2nd of the 3 was probably because they realized they done "fucked up A-A-Ron!" and decided to make almost no one eligible for the 2nd round.

Wow, that's pretty fucking nutty that you qualified for a check. But, you know, fuck me I guess. I definitely wouldn't need one, not after having to stop working for awhile. Nah, I should just be pulling myself up by my boot straps and sucking a mean penis on the corner for my money. Like a real man.

Everything alright, by the way? Haven't seen you post in a minute. Just wanna make sure you haven't stepped on an ancient land mine or something.

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