[Video Blog #96] - CDX ICO, Monero, Market Caps and LifesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #video7 years ago

Please watch my video for my perspective and review.

From a moral standpoint I like the idea and concept of CDX - Commodity Ad Network and I will be getting involved.

Anything that supports decentralising marketing and supporting truthers speak out and make an income is a admirable business objective.

It may take off and it may fizzle.

The risk of ICO's and conceptual investments and one I am willing to take.

This video and page is not for any remuneration or bounty.

It is just my opinion and out of personal interest.

Click banner to be taken to the "how to contribute page".

Watch the video to get a grasp of what I am doing with my new "slush fund" as I share some trading ideas and events that come and go.

We learn from our actions and I hope my experiences provide some insight in what to do and not to do in trading.

Lets hope I have more positive than negative to share.

~ Sebastian


SOURCES: All words in my post are my own including rights to all images and music where relevant. Videos are also linked to their relative sources.

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Thanks for sharing!

monero looking great at the moment do you think it will be down soon ?? for buying

I am already out. I set my sell orders and they went off last night. I have taken my profit. I will now be standing clear of Monero as it is being heavily manipulated. Although it may rise more there is not doubt it will have a retrace soon and I feel shortly after the 28th August as tehy dump on the news of it being open for trading on Bithumb. All speculation. It may continue however I feel it is a major risk chasing a pump after it has already commenced and has been running for several days. Calls for disaster more often than a gain.

You are spot on about sound being the beginning. That is why Genesis 1 says "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" and John 1:1- 5 says "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were created through Him, and apart from Him not one thing was created. Life was in Him, and that life was the light of men."

God spoke and created. It is also very interesting when you look at the word universe, which translates into uni-verse - a single spoken word/sentence. It was from His voice that all life began. It is also why we have the trinity of trinities - Space, time and matter. You can have matter without somewhere to put it and you have to put it somewhere at some point in time. Space has hight, depth and width. Matter has solid, liquid, gas. Time has past, present, and future.

It is only the Gospel of Jesus Christ that you find all of life's questions in one coherent answer. For all have sinned (hence the phrase "I'm only human" when we mess up. Since we have all messed up, and even continue to mess up (be it big or small), we will never be perfect. So being good isn't enough to save us - plus who sets the standard of what is good enough? God sets the standard and it is perfection. Once we mess up once (though we do it more than just once) we will never be perfect again. But that is the beauty of the Gospel of Christ. It isn't about us being "good" it is about freely accepting what He has done for us - bore our burden and taken our punishment by dying the death we should die to pay the just penalty of our sins. It isn't a matter of our good deeds, but a matter of our faith and accepting that what Christ did, He did not have to do, but did it anyway for us. If we accept this, believe it in our heart that Christ was raised from the dead and confess with our mouth that He is Lord, then we will be saved.

The outworking of our good deeds, should reflect the state of our heart. If we believe His love for us to be true, then we will reflect that love into the world around us.

John1:14 "The Word became flesh and made its dwelling among us, We observed His glory, the glory as the One and Only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth"

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" is actually incorrect and has been changed/altered from the original texts based on the understanding and literal meaning of the Hebrew translations. The actual sentence is "The father of the beginnings created the Elohim, the heavens and the earth". The father is a representation of the universe itself. God as a term was never an original reference as it was added by the Romans as a psychological tangent to ensure man started to worship man rather than nature and the Sun (not son) of The Father (the universe). Nature is the only GOD as it is written. GOD = Grantor Of Domain. That is my understanding of it through my studies. A BA RASHEET BARA ELOHIM ETH HA SHAMEIM WA ETH HA E/ARIS = "The father of the beginnings created the Elohim, the heavens and the earth".

Great post my friend!


Is it worth taking the risk? Well, it is usually a two way option; run with it and get it or run with it and learn. Thanks for sharing.

Agree. We can only learn from everything we do. No such thing as failing. Bad choices yes but what we take from our experiences defines us. I like risk. Life is better when you take them.

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