[Video Blog #26] - A Penny Dazzler? - Social Media Integration = ReddcoinsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #video7 years ago (edited)

Nothing beats Steemit.com however there are more fish in the ocean and market share is never controlled by one entity.

It is a mathematical impossibility.

So what will be the next Steemit?

The next social media currency?

Maybe Reddcoin will be that gateway that connects and intergates with all the other social media platforms not yet on the Blockchain?

Maybe it is a penny dazzler worth holding?

Will Facebook and Instagram transition to the Blockchain with their own currency or will they integrate with Reddcoin?

In all my business experience I will say they will have to transition soon or otherwise die a slow social media death as this blockchain technology is taking over and it will dictate their future for sure.

We are already seeing 100's of thousands of people literally leaving Facebook to go to Steemit and even build careers on this amazing platform.

What will the future hold for these other social media platforms?

Will it be Reddcoin?

Please comment below if you feel you have something to add as I would love to hear from you.

Follow Sebastian - @sebastianjago

Have a great day!



SOURCES: All words in my post are my own including rights to all images and music where relevant. Videos are also linked to their relative sources.

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cool. could definitely work and take off. Would be quite cool if there's button you can click on anybody's post on any platform. will investigate further. thanks!

Steem On

Totally agree! The landscape keeps evolving and this will happen in the future however the question is will it be Reddcoin or something else.

i don't think it's a question of 'either or' which in a lot of ways is different from how things have existed....i see the crypto space expanding exponentially indefinitely. Part of the greatness of the crypto space is that the more versatility there is in having many many many 'cryptocurrencies' there better things are for everyone. This also support more and more decentralization which is great....and it supports stronger flow of wealth moving easy and effortlessly everywhere :)

Steem On, the dream is live :)

thanks again for your comment, supported me in thinking deeper about the overall crypto-landscape.

Thank you for sharing, @sebastinjago! On which of the exchanges can I find to buy? I'm interested.

Bittrex is where I got mine. Have a look and I would be interested to hear your opinion and gut feelings on this one.

Fantastic! I'm going to get some too. Sure, I will give my opinion shortly. Honestly, I think reddcoin will also be somewhat of a gamechanger. Steemit now has a big competitor.

See what info you can dig up too and if you find anything let me know.

Source of my information: https://twitter.com/reddcoin
My question now is what have the developers and team members been doing for the past 3 years? Why haven't they taken off since?

It does take time to build investor confidence and work through all the noise and fluff. We have been drowned by so many coins in recent times . It takes time to build a community and social awareness too. What they do next is the key.

Yes, I do agree with you. Anyway, staking half a million coins wouldn't hurt. Just thinking aloud.

Alright, I will. I like to dig up information too. I will let you know. By the way, I am on bittrex now, but cannot find reddcoin, RDD. Would you be kind enough to send me the link?

Thank you. I also discovered that I could use shapeshift and some other exchanges

Just read something about reddcoin on reddit and reddcoin's twitter handle. Reddcoin has been around for 3 years now. Second information from reddit is that the coins can be staked in poswallet.

Interesting! There are so many new coins these days it's hard to keep up... and most of them seem like lookalikes with very little to distinguish themselves.

I like the idea of a coin that would "make it easier for the average person" to get involved in cryptos. A bit like Steemit... I probably would never have considered investing in any cryptos other than BTC, were it not for Steemit and the way the blogging platform offers an "easy entry." We need more of that for cryptos to truly gain mass adoption.

Adoption is happening It takes time. Generally tech takes around 7 years to establish itself. Blockchain as a concept has already done that so now it is up to the individual companies to establish their own community and ensure their vision is one that people have faith in. No faith = death.

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