[Video Blog #162] - Market Review & Perspective (crypto)

in #video6 years ago

I think this market just needs time to mature and the FUD and news is just a by product of the stage of maturity the market is in.

We can talk about news and certain aspects of the market and what elements will determine overall growth but nothing will beat the simple factor of time v's organic growth.

Yes there is manipulation. Yes there is volatility.

However the market is still at the bottom of an S curve so large in comprehension that all we have to do is ride out the storms and apply common sense and emotional maturity to the way we trade and accumulate our digital assets.

The reality of adoption and regulatory adjustment all comes down to time and infrastruture.

Time to evolve, consolidate and accumulate energy the energy required to move to the next stage of evolution.

This year so far has been one of depression and despondency however that will turn soon to a market of consolation and accumulation with hopefully more energy to arrive in the coming months to back end of the year.

Another December run and January smack down?

Will we have to wait that long?


Maybe 2019 is when we will need to wait for the next major BULL?
In the meantime, DYOR, be patient and accumulate and invest in strong projects.

Let me know what you think of this concept.

I like it.

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~ Sebastian

Please NOTE: All videos and articles are not financial advice. These are 100% personal commentaries and opinions.


SOURCES: All words in my post are my own including rights to all images and music where relevant. Videos are also linked to their relative sources.

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it will take time but the graph shows true potential !
Good Info Sab

Time and history is on our side. We are coming to the end of the bearish trend. A few more weeks/months to go and we should see some stronger signs of upside. This latest rally was promising however still a suckers rally in my opinion. Hopefully the last one.

thank for the information...

cryptocurriencies are the future

its now a game of total manipulation it will always be like this now :(

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