The more you make...

in #video6 years ago

So un-inspired of late. But!

On Friday I gave myself a little photo project while I walked around town. And then on Saturday, since my house was full of ooohing and aahhing at events in Windsor, I cleaned up the front garden, little bit by little bit and mowed the lawn. And I've been preparing my meals more myself from scratch rather than buying ready-prepped veg, chopping, measuring, deciding what to put in and what to leave out.

And what do you know? I'm starting to feel like I can write again, like there's something in there. Now this might not be the most eloquent or profound video but I made it last night while cooking and I think the last time I made video was in April.

So yeah, gently does it, step by step, the more you make, the more you make.


Good to see you back making a video @lloyddavis. It's quite a challenge just doing what wants to be done on Steemit rather than what we think should be done, I think. I certainly haven't cracked it yet! 😁

no, still not cracked! But glad the wind seems to have changed at least.

Definitely seems like the wind has changed, if only today. I think I just noticed a couple more posts from you pop up in my feed.

I'm still trying to get one out today. Bit late starting as I had a doctor's appointment and my mum is staying at the moment.

Right. So I'm a bit slow here @lloyddavis trying to work out what you meant by your gif . . .
Are you referring to time flies?
Or a reference to my doctor's visit in that "a spoponful of sugar helps the medicine go down"?
Or that I need a Mary Poppins to catch up on all the stuff that needs doing
Or something else entirely? 😂

nothing so complicated :D

Just that Mary Poppins arrives when the wind changes!

Great Post @lloyddavis , And I am Wait for your Next Post* which you will post at Friday

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