
The plates were placed by the wishes fulfilled. Therefore, they must have been fulfilled. The first time I went I was very small (young), so I didn't ask for anything. The second time I asked for a good round trip. And fortunately, all went well. 💕

If you are little you can blow the candle on your birthday cake or wish on a (falling) star...
Was it wishful thinking?
My youngest always says: I do not wish they are not fulfilled anyway.

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In the word, it says: search and you will find. Knock and they will open, ask and it will be given to you.

I have always thought that if you want (wish for) something with a lot of desire and your wish is clear and specific, then it will be possible to make it happen. 😊

That is what we call: wishful thinking or the power of positive thinking.

Still don't know your wish.
Bedtime for me, sweet dreams 💕💥

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My wish? I wish right now have enough money to always feed my family, friends, and people who come to my door asking for food 😊

As long as the system doesn't change you will never have enough money 😒.

I wonder where the food does come from. What if that all stops and there is nothing to buy for money?

You and your family not think about leaving?

I hope the circumstances will change soon.


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Yeah, I've been thinking about a lot of things for a while now. So far we've managed to make meals that we didn't use to eat. Let me explain: Previously we used to buy cornmeal to make a kind of baked bun (which we call arepas) and which we usually eat in the mornings and at night. They were usually stuffed like ham, cheese, egg, etc. Today, we buy corn and make flour ourselves, sometimes we eat it by combining corn flour with vegetables. For the filling, we only use fried eggs or cooked grains and sometimes cheese.

Yes, I've thought about leaving, it's not easy, you need to raise enough money. But I'm still optimistic and I think we can still live here.

I don't know what the future holds for us, but I have (and my family too) an enormous trust in God. We are going to make it, we are going to survive.

Maybe we're naive or wrong, time will tell. In the meantime, we will enjoy life, because the best time is now. We cannot wait for something to happen in order to be happy. There is a post about the concept of happiness that I liked. I'll leave it for you to keep an eye on.


As long as you can focus on enjoying there is no lost. One can enjoy everywhere and make his own Paradise.

You were used to eat a lot of meat?

In the end we all will be vegetarians out of need or poverty (and hopefully not have a huge lack of vitamines).
I think at times we have hardly to eat we are most creative if it comes to cooking.
Here we do not use much corn. I use a lot of oatmeal. Cornmeal is very expensive so is corn.

I think we will end up as potato eaters again 😟

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P.s. thanks for the link. Will visit it now.

Posted using Partiko Android

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