Do you believe in souls (spirits)? - ¿Crees en las ánimas?

in #ventest5 years ago

This is my entry to the Steemzuela Ventest Week 11 @freewritehouse's contest

(I'll put the Spanish translation at the end of the post)


In my country, there are many people who believe in souls or spirits, including me. What does this mean? That we believe in life after death. That is, when we die we do not cease to exist, nor are we going to remain burning in the pan of hell for life, nor are we going to learn to play the harp in the heaven until the end of time.

For many of us, the physical body dies, but our essence or subtle form (ectoplasmic?) remains free from the physical world. And, What do we do next? That's where the mystery is. And that's where I want to go.

Supposedly, many of us are bound to our relatives by commitments, love, need, who knows? But the point is that we help our loved ones from the other world. Interesting, isn't it? Well, that's what we usually believe.

Maybe you're wondering: But I wasn't related to that person who died so many years ago. What relationship do we have with her? Well, the answer is simple: Reincarnation. For those of us who believe in reincarnation, we are certain that we were or knew many others in other times, creating bonds that go beyond time and space. So, it is most likely that we have more brothers (and sisters) and relatives than we believe, both in this life and in other lives.

Well, knowing this about us. I want to tell you today about the soul of Taguapire or how we use to say: Ánima de Taguapire.

I know that there have been many other publications about the soul of Taguapire in Steemit, a few years ago. However, I will tell you my version.

In the middle of the 19th century, María Francisca Duarte was born, whom people call Mama Pancha (persons named Francisco are called Pancho and Francisca, Pancha). This lady, in life, was a respectable person, of strong character, but very kind, she was also a midwife, a very important and delicate occupation (In those years there were no vehicles, no electricity, and much less maternity institutions).

When she dies, people took her body to the cemetery in a hammock. On the way to the cemetery, they had to stop because the river they had to cross was overflowing and dangerous, so they decided to wait until the next day. The next morning they were going to start moving the body but it became so heavy that they could not move it from the site. So they decided to bury it under the same tree where they had hung the hammock the night before. A Taguapire tree.

There are those who say that the first chapel was built by a llanero (It's like a cowboy), a long time ago, who asked her for the miracle of helping him with his cattle. That's where the legend begins. Each person who asked her spirit for a miracle and granted it, built something else there. Until forming what today is known as the Sanctuary of the Soul of Taguapire.

A few kilometers from a small town called Santa María de Ipire (Guárico State, Venezuela), is located this sanctuary. It is in front of the main road in the country, so many Venezuelans who pass through there (most are truckers, transporters or tourists), stop to light a candle to the soul to grant them a wish, or help them with any problem they have in their life.


So much is the devotion that they have filled the whole area with commemorative plaques for the wishes fulfilled. As you can see in the following picture.


I have a lot of time that I don't pass by. With the problems the country has had, it has been difficult for me to get there. But I've been there a couple of times and my family and I have stopped there to light candles and pray to the soul.

Unfortunately, that road has become very dangerous, generally what we asked the soul was to arrive at our destination safely and return to our house again (obviously).

There are many people (even foreigners) who ask for their studies, projects, jobs, love situations, etc...

This is our popular belief. However, not all Venezuelans today believe in spirits. Although it was a very common belief in ancient Venezuela (maybe 80 years ago).

I hope I haven't bored you...

Again, thank you so much for joining me so far. Have an excellent day, evening or night.

Keep spreading the Steemit love

Thanks for passing by!

If you want to know more about the contest, visit the following link:

Traducción al Español

Esta es mi entrada para el concurso de @freewritehouse Steemzuela Ventest Week 11

En mi país hay muchas personas que creen en las ánimas o espíritus, incluyéndome. ¿Qué quiere decir esto? Que creemos en la vida después de la muerte. Es decir, cuando morimos no dejamos de existir, tampoco vamos a quedar quemándonos en la paila del infierno de por vida, ni tampoco vamos a aprender a tocar un arpa en el cielo hasta el fin de los tiempos.

Para muchos de nosotros, el cuerpo físico se muere, pero nuestra esencia o forma sutil (¿ectoplásmica?) queda libre del mundo físico. ¿Qué hacemos después?. Ahí es dónde está el misterio. Y es a donde quiero llegar.

Supuestamente, muchos de nosotros quedamos atados a nuestros familiares por compromisos, amor, necesidad, ¿quién sabe? Pero la cuestión es que ayudamos a nuestros seres queridos desde el otro mundo. Interesante, no? Bueno, es lo que solemos creer.

Quizás te preguntes: Pero yo no era familiar de esa persona que murió hace tantos años atrás. ¿Qué relación tenemos con ella? Pues la respuesta es simple: Reencarnación. Para aquellos que creemos en la reencarnación, tenemos la certeza de que estuvimos o conocimos a muchos otros en otros tiempos, creando vínculos que van más allá del tiempo y del espacio. Por lo que, lo mas seguro es que tengamos más hermanos (y hermanas) y familiares de lo que creemos, tanto en esta como en otras vidas.

Pues bien, ya sabiendo esto de nosotros. Quiero contarles hoy sobre el ánima de Taguapire.

Sé que han habido muchas otras publicaciones sobre el ánima de Taguapire en Steemit, hace unos cuantos años atrás. Sin embargo, les contaré mi versión.

A mediados del siglo 19, nace María Francisca Duarte, a quien llaman Mama Pancha (a las personas llamadas Francisco se les dice Pancho y Francisca, Pancha). Esta señora, en vida, fue una persona respetable, de carácter fuerte, pero muy bondadosa, también era partera, un oficio muy importante y delicado (En esos años no existían ni los vehículos, ni la electricidad y mucho menos maternidades)

Cuando ella muere, las personas llevaban su cadáver en una hamaca; de camino al cementerio tuvieron que detenerse porque el río que debían atravesar estaba desbordado y era peligroso, por lo que decidieron esperar al día siguiente para llevarla al cementerio. La mañana siguiente iban a comenzar el traslado del cuerpo pero se hizo tan pesado que no pudieron moverlo del sitio. Por lo que decidieron, enterrarla bajo el mismo árbol en donde habían colgado la hamaca la noche anterior. Un árbol de Taguapire.

Hay quienes cuentan que la primera capilla la construyó un llanero, hace mucho tiempo atrás, que le pidió el milagro de ayudarlo con sus reses. De ahí comienza la leyenda. Cada persona que le pedía un milagro y se lo concedía, construía algo más. Hasta formar lo que hoy en día se conoce como el Santuario del Ánima de Taguapire.

A pocos kilómetros de un pequeño pueblo llamado Santa María de Ipire (Estado Guárico, Venezuela), se encuentra este santuario. Se encuentra frente a una vía principal del país, por lo que muchos venezolanos que pasan por ahí (la mayoría son camioneros, transportistas o turistas), se detienen a encender una vela al ánima para que les conceda un deseo, o les ayude con algún problema que tengan en la vida.


Tanta es la devoción que han llenado toda el área con placas conmemorativas por los deseos cumplidos. Como pueden observar en la siguiente fotografía.


Tengo mucho tiempo que no paso por allí. Con los problemas que ha tenido el país me ha sido difícil llegar hasta allá. Pero he pasado un par de veces y nos hemos detenido ahí mi familia y yo a encender unas velas y rezarle al ánima.

Esa vía se ha vuelto muy peligrosa, generalmente lo que pedíamos al ánima era llegar a nuestro destino a salvo y volver a nuestra casa nuevamente (obvio).

Hay muchos que piden por sus estudios, proyectos, trabajos, situaciones de amor, etc. Incluso extranjeros.

Es nuestra creencia popular. Sin embargo, no todos los venezolanos hoy en día creen en los espíritus. Aunque era una creencia muy común en la Venezuela de antier.

Espero no haberlos aburrido...

Muchas gracias por acompañarme hasta aquí. Que tengas un excelente día, tarde o noche.

Si quieres saber más sobre el concurso, visita el siguiente enlace:

Sigue difundiendo el amor de Steemit

Gracias por pasar por aquí!


It's really the saddest thing when we die. I think when we die, it's really is where it all happens and it's going right. It is, I think, like when we dream. It will be revolutionary, it will be like never before, we humans will meet and meet in truth. There will be all emotions. I wish life would be like this.

It's really the saddest thing when we die.

Yes, It is. Losing a friend or a family member or a loved one is very regrettable and sad.

There will be all emotions. I wish life would be like this.

Sounds great!

Dear @jadams2k18

Again, interesting choice of topic buddy. Great read.

I've been travelling across the world long enough to realize, that in some countries and cultures belief in spirits or ghosts is really very strong.

Europeans mostly do not seem to be bothered, but Asians are really strong believers.

That we believe in life after death.

I kind of envy you. It must be so much easier in life if you think that current struggles are just temporary and that there is another life ahead of you.

I do not have this luxury as I strongly believe, that our life experience is what defines us and it's all nothing but data recorded in our brains.

Once we're dead - our personality, our knowledge, life experience - it's all gone.

Even if there is another life, it means and matters as little as "last year snow". Why? Simply because our human form could be already one of many of our lifes, but we all act like it's our first life ever. So even if there is any life ahead of us - it will be just a brand new start with absolutely no connection to whoever we are now.

I know that we've different viewpoints. I would like to underline that even if I just see things differently - I still absolutely respect your view.


I know that we've different viewpoints. I would like to underline that even if I just see things differently - I still absolutely respect your view.


This sounds like the beginning of a new and interesting post... Don't you think?

Your arguments are correct and valid. Imagine if everyone thought they could have another life to redeem or revenge themselves.

I'm glad you took the time to stop by

I wonder if any of these wishes came true.
What would you wish?

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The plates were placed by the wishes fulfilled. Therefore, they must have been fulfilled. The first time I went I was very small (young), so I didn't ask for anything. The second time I asked for a good round trip. And fortunately, all went well. 💕

If you are little you can blow the candle on your birthday cake or wish on a (falling) star...
Was it wishful thinking?
My youngest always says: I do not wish they are not fulfilled anyway.

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In the word, it says: search and you will find. Knock and they will open, ask and it will be given to you.

I have always thought that if you want (wish for) something with a lot of desire and your wish is clear and specific, then it will be possible to make it happen. 😊

That is what we call: wishful thinking or the power of positive thinking.

Still don't know your wish.
Bedtime for me, sweet dreams 💕💥

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My wish? I wish right now have enough money to always feed my family, friends, and people who come to my door asking for food 😊

As long as the system doesn't change you will never have enough money 😒.

I wonder where the food does come from. What if that all stops and there is nothing to buy for money?

You and your family not think about leaving?

I hope the circumstances will change soon.


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Yeah, I've been thinking about a lot of things for a while now. So far we've managed to make meals that we didn't use to eat. Let me explain: Previously we used to buy cornmeal to make a kind of baked bun (which we call arepas) and which we usually eat in the mornings and at night. They were usually stuffed like ham, cheese, egg, etc. Today, we buy corn and make flour ourselves, sometimes we eat it by combining corn flour with vegetables. For the filling, we only use fried eggs or cooked grains and sometimes cheese.

Yes, I've thought about leaving, it's not easy, you need to raise enough money. But I'm still optimistic and I think we can still live here.

I don't know what the future holds for us, but I have (and my family too) an enormous trust in God. We are going to make it, we are going to survive.

Maybe we're naive or wrong, time will tell. In the meantime, we will enjoy life, because the best time is now. We cannot wait for something to happen in order to be happy. There is a post about the concept of happiness that I liked. I'll leave it for you to keep an eye on.


Yes i do believe is soul/spirit and even ghosts/demons/djinn , every living thing has a soul otherwise we are just empty vessels dead and filled with void

Posted using Partiko Android

every living thing has a soul otherwise we are just empty vessels dead and filled with void

That's what I'm talking about!

We are more than a bunch of bones and flesh

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