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RE: "CADTM" ..¡Oh boy! ¿Do you really really wanna know what's going on in Venezuela?

in #venezuela6 years ago (edited)

My dear and respected @juanmolina. Thank you for your comment and opinion.

However, I suspect that you are analyzing this political issue from a very limited perspective.

But the patient can significantly improve their quality and life expectancy.

And certainly, the cancer example is the worst you could use to establish your viewpoint in your favor. At least, to imply that the treatments available to combat cancer as methods for improving expectancy & quality of life.

Everyone knows cancer is an unbeatable evil. Basically, because this sickness is part of us and already born with us and it is not acquired externally by any infectious agent whatsoever. Therefore, that pretend to overcome and eradicate the cancer with other artificial poisons and alien chemical agents to your body that will destroy your organs and their vital functions -albeit- at a slower pace. That has nothing to do with quality of life nor longevity. And much sooner than later, inevitably, you will die in a way that only can be described as more painful and regrettable.

But yeah, I'm digressing. It just happen that I know a ton lot about this ailment.

And yes, probably in other time I could write an article about this matter. ;)

So, my dear friend @juanmolina. I'm gonna invite you one more time to read thoroughly 'de cabo a rabo' the articles that I've linked to along this post, just to confirm If you or I could have overlook something that we haven't contemplated or weighted in all its dimension.

Cheers!! :)


Con gusto le daré la lectura necesaria requerida hermano querido.

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