Collapse of electric service in Venezuela?

in #venezuela6 years ago (edited)

I am writing this publication to you against time, because I know that the light will soon be gone and I must hurry ...

It all started a week and a half ago when here happened a total blackout in three states of Venezuela, the blackout lasted 16 hours and the government said it was a sabotage ... LIE! The generators are already damaged due to lack of maintenance.

Now it turns out that for the past 5 days a series of blackouts have been happening in the electricity of my whole city and even in the whole the state (San Cristobal-Táchira) and this happens in several other states of the country, it's not just here.

The electric service fails for 6 hours in total and arrives again for a maximum of 2, 3 hours and it goes away ... AND WE ALREADY HAVE 5 DAYS LIVING THIS WAY!

The worst thing is that the government or the authorities have not yet said anything about this, but everything points to a collapse of the electricity service, since two years ago we also had to do electricity rationing. But this time they have not said anything about the blackouts ...

I do not know how true this information is but it explains very well what is happening, it is a message that began to circulate through the Venezuelan groups of wasap and came to my phone

Good morning, yesterday I was able to talk with several working friends of Corpoelec( Electric Corporation) and they told me the following:
The national electrical system has already collapsed, thanks to the lack of maintenance and investment, so the cuts and blackouts are now neither programmed nor voluntary, they simply happen when the system overheats or becomes saturated, therefore they occur at different times and indeterminable time, situation that they (the very little staff that remains) try to remedy promptly but that escapes their hands. They told me that this was the beginning and that from one moment to another the electricity simply was not going to return to our homes easily !! I do not say this with the intention of generating panic, but I transmit the message that I received so that they prepare themselves and take the necessary forecasts. Here in El Vigia there are only 2 workers on duty and 1 truck operating FOR ALL THE MUNICIPALITY, who can not keep up and are not to blame for what happens, the fault is unique and exclusive to this government that in 19 years has not invested in the electric sector and that do not have the decency nor the respect to inform us what happens or the action plan that they will take to solve this serious crisis.

We have been living with these cuts for 5 days and people are already getting tired, yesterday they burned some rubbers in protest mode in areas near my house.

and by social networks people also comment on it too

When it is already the eighth time that the light cut out in the day

-Because this I have not published

11:11 that the light does not go

for sure, Unbearable the electrical cuts

fucking light AAAA

even the people in steemit know it!

The truth is that it is really difficult to live with rationing of water and light at the same time and in uncertainty since they do not even speak it on TV or give us official information.

This is one of the reasons why I have not published this last 5 days, another reason is that I have been collecting 50 pairs of shoes to make a BIG donation, but the blackouts make the process difficult and MANY MORE THINGS TOO. We do not know until when this will last.


Be strong to be useful. When you have power not urgent for other things, please send me your shipping address by direct message. Thank you.

I love you and your family little brother. I'll be keeping an eye on the developing situation.

soo you are back!! yeaahh finnally jaja i will contact you bro, and the radio has to come back jajaja

when this situation goes to the normality i will do a big thing, you will see hehe

You already do big things!

Thank you for bringing this subject to the attention of the steemit community @malos10. I am in Merida and I'm also affected by the blackouts. Even when there is power, there is no Internet service. I haven't been able to publish in 3 days, only to leave a couple of comments here and there. We are also dealing with a poor running water service, a nonexistent cooking gas distribution service and lack of waste collection service. Everything has collapsed. The cable company does not respond either. I tell my sister that our only option is too look at the ceiling for entertainment. I wanted to add that in 2008 there were also "planned electricity rationing" and I remember it quite well, because I was teaching at a university and it was a total nightmare. The story repeats itself.

I will add this comment to the post <3 for more info!

the worst part of this electric rationing is that it is NOT PLANNED. we are suffering the consecuences of the lack of maintenance of the electric generators

Venezuelan collapse has been a slow process that has been taking shape for the last 10 years and that has kicked into its worst stage yet in the last 5. International media seemed to pick up interest in the story just recently but has since moved on in most cases. @malos10

This is all true @cyberwarrior, the crisis we are living reflects in food scarcity, medicine scarcity, hyperinflation, monthly salaries averaging $3 per month, a total collapse of all public services: cooking gas, power, running water, waste collection, but even more saddening is the refusal of our own government to accept international help while they keep a blind eye and even mock the people who dare to protest. "Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely" --John Dalberg-Acton.

Oh wow. I'm so sorry to hear this. It is hard to live normally knowing that the power may go out at any moment or not knowing how long it will be out for. Thank you for bringing this to the world and letting us know what you are going through in Venezuela. I will be praying for you.

Sé perfectamente de lo que hablas porque lo vivo a diario. Es lamentable lo que vivimos aquí en Venezuela. También en mi blog hablo de la situación país, te invito a visitarlo :) Saludos

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