Edgar's family and crops have been thirsty for 18 weeks! Please help [Mission: Agua-Possible] keep moving!

in #venezuela6 years ago (edited)

We're buying a pump to bring water to a devastated neighborhood in Venezuela! Will you help us? Welcome to the 18th week of Mission: Agua-Possible, as we gather Steem equal to 1300 USD.


Severe economic and political crisis over the past few years in the South American country of Venezuela intensified recently, as president Maduro doubled down on his currency manipulation, price-fixing, propagandizing citizens, and suppressing resistance. You've likely heard about the country's recent turmoil. But the world's media isn't showing us even half the reality.

I met a few people from Venezuela, and I started to hear their interesting stories - and ask questions. I discovered the dark truth about the economic and political situation there. Shops are empty, people are hungry - the economy is at a standstill. Theft, corruption, and violence escalate as society breaks down. Millions are fleeing on foot - if they can escape. The harsh socialist government attempts to control almost every aspect of life, and blames problems on the people. Most government services (like running water) work only in certain areas - or not at all. Maduro announced that Venezuela will no longer accept US Dollars for oil exports, then tried to get his country's gold back from Bank of England, who refused, claiming he would steal it. Now there is talk of Russian military involvement, American meddling, and worse.

In the midst of all this, I met Edgar (@edgargonzalez), a Venezuelan man about my age. He's a father of young children, and a professional whose job disappeared because of the crisis. He feeds his family by fishing, foraging for fruits, and growing cassava on his late-father's plantation. He uses Steemit to share his stories and make Steem to buy food. Shortly after I met Edgar, a power outage caused a failure of the pump used to bring water up to the farm. A repairman confirmed the pump is beyond fixing. Edgar had been using his well to water his crops, and to provide drinking water to his children and other families in the neighborhood. Without a pump to bring water up from the aquifer, his gardens have withered - and the neighborhood must forage for water elsewhere.

Edgar a few days ago, harvesting the tangerines not taken by drought and thieves.

He writes: "I was a victim of the underworld in the tangerine trees, this is inevitable since I have put traps and wire fences and always those enemy hands pass... people should be aware, not see the easiest way out of their economic problems stealing the little that with sacrifice has been achieved."

Without government water services, and now without water from his well, Edgar and a few other families are in a tough situation. When I heard about this problem, through Steemit, I realized that the blockchain could also be the SOLUTION!

That's when I stepped forward with Mission Agua-possible! Once we gather 1300 USD worth of Steem, I'll transfer it to Edgar, to be converted to cash to buy the pump.

Getting this pump to the farm as soon as possible is vital. Water is life!

Our worst week ever

Last week's post only received 2 comments and 43 votes, unexpectedly bringing about the worst-ever week for payout. Additionally, there were no direct donations this week, something which also has never happened.

But as you'll see below, we still managed to make progress this week, because the USD value of our Steem jumped up!

Resteems help get new eyes (and upvotes) into the project, so thank you if you're able to resteem occasionally.

Much appreciation to those who did upvote:

Week 18

week 17 funds: 143.211 Steem

new funds:

  • week 17 post payout = 0.001 SBD, 0.579 STEEM and 0.585 STEEM POWER = 1.17 Steem
  • week 17 bonus comment payout = 0.068 Steem
  • you can send me Steem directly and your donation will be noted here

Total funds: 144.449 Steem

Current USD value: $56.34 (of $1300)

Current progress: 4.3%

The jump from 3.0% to 4.3% is the second largest ever (after only week 1). So while this was our worst week ever for support, progress surged! Won't it be exciting to soon pass the 5% complete mark?

Upvoting this post is appreciated so much! 100% goes toward the pump.

Mission Agua-Possible will help many people, and inspire other great projects. It's a group success story, playing out on the Steem blockchain. Together, we're going to dramatically improve the lives of a whole neighborhood that really needs it!


I'm slowly learning Spanish, and require help from an online translator. Please excuse any errors.

Estoy aprendiendo español lentamente, y necesito ayuda de un traductor en línea. Por favor, disculpe cualquier error.

¡La familia y los cultivos de Edgar han estado sedientos durante 18 semanas! Por favor, ayuda [Misión: Agua-Posible] seguir avanzando!

¡Estamos comprando una bomba para llevar agua a un barrio devastado en Venezuela! ¿Nos ayudará? Bienvenidos a la decimoctava semana de Misión: Agua-Posible, al reunir Steem igual a 1300 USD.


La severa crisis económica y política en los últimos años en el país sudamericano de Venezuela se intensificó recientemente, ya que el Presidente maduro dobló su manipulación monetaria, fijando precios, propagandizando a los ciudadanos y suprimiendo la resistencia. Es probable que haya escuchado acerca de la agitación reciente del país. Pero los medios de comunicación del mundo no nos muestran ni la mitad de la realidad.

Conocí a unas cuantas personas de Venezuela, y empecé a escuchar sus historias interesantes-y hacer preguntas. Descubrí la oscura verdad sobre la situación económica y política. Las tiendas están vacías, la gente tiene hambre-la economía está en un punto muerto. El robo, la corrupción y la violencia se agravan a medida que la sociedad se rompe. Millones están huyendo a pie-si pueden escapar. El duro gobierno socialista intenta controlar casi todos los aspectos de la vida, y culpa a los problemas de la gente. La mayoría de los servicios del gobierno (como el agua corriente) funcionan sólo en ciertas áreas, o no en absoluto. Maduro anunció que Venezuela ya no aceptará dólares estadounidenses para las exportaciones de petróleo, luego trató de obtener el oro de su país de vuelta del Banco de Inglaterra, que se negó, alegando que lo robaría. Ahora se habla de la implicación militar rusa, la intromisión americana, y peor.

En medio de todo esto, conocí a Edgar (@edgargonzalez), un hombre venezolano de mi edad. Es un padre de niños pequeños, y un profesional cuyo trabajo desapareció debido a la crisis. Él alimenta a su familia pescando, forrajeando para las frutas, y la mandioca creciente en la plantación de su difunto-padre. Usa Steemit para compartir sus historias y hacer que Steem compre comida. Poco después de conocer a Edgar, un corte de energía causó un fallo de la bomba utilizada para llevar agua a la granja. Un reparador confirmó que la bomba está más allá de la fijación. Edgar había estado usando su pozo para regar sus cosechas, y para proporcionar agua potable a sus hijos y otras familias en el vecindario. Sin una bomba para sacar agua del acuífero, sus jardines se han marchitado-y el vecindario debe alimentarse de agua en otro lugar.

Edgar hace unos días, cosechar las mandarinas no tomadas por la sequía y los ladrones.

Él escribe: "Las personas deben tomar conciencia, el no ver la salida mas fácil a sus problemas económicos que robando lo poco mucho que con bastante sacrificio a logrado."

Sin los servicios de agua del gobierno, y ahora sin agua de su pozo, Edgar y algunas otras familias están en una situación difícil. Cuando me enteré de este problema, a través de Steemit, me di cuenta de que la cadena de bloques también podría ser la solución!

¡Fue entonces cuando me adelanté con la misión agua-posible! Una vez recolectamos 1300 dólares de Steem, lo transferiré a Edgar, para convertirlo en efectivo para comprar la bomba.

Conseguir esta bomba a la granja tan pronto como sea posible es vital. ¡El agua es vida!

Nuestra peor semana

El post de la semana pasada solo recibió 2 comentarios y 43 votos, inesperadamente trayendo la peor semana para el pago. Además, no hubo donaciones directas esta semana, algo que también nunca ha sucedido.

Pero como verán a continuación, todavía logramos progresar esta semana, porque el valor de USD de nuestro Steem saltó!

Los Resteems ayudan a obtener nuevos ojos (y votos) en el proyecto, así que gracias si eres capaz de resteem ocasionalmente.

Mucho aprecio a los que votaron:

Semana 18

(ver números arriba)

El salto de 3,0% a 4,3% es el segundo más grande de la historia (después de solo la semana 1). Así que mientras que esta fue nuestra peor semana para el apoyo, el progreso se ha surgido! ¿No será emocionante pasar pronto la marca completa del 5%?

Votar este post es apreciado tanto! 100% va hacia la bomba.

Misión agua-possible ayudará a muchas personas, e inspirará otros grandes proyectos. Es una historia de éxito grupal, jugando en el blockchain Steem. Juntos, vamos a mejorar dramáticamente las vidas de todo un vecindario que realmente lo necesita!



Voted at 100%

Good luck!

If only we can send all these snow we have in Canada, hey. Melt to water, would be gallons and gallons.

Great idea, I wish we could do that! Thanks for the support :)

  • read
  • upvoted
  • resteemed

You forgot commented ;)

That's true, I should add:

  • commented
  • replied

Hola drutter,

Tu post ha sido seleccionado por el bot de @provenezuela, te hemos dado un voto en apoyo a los autores venezolanos!

Gracias por ser parte de nuestra comunidad!

Gracias por tenerte en tu comunidad, y por tu apoyo. Saludos desde Vancouver Canada!

I don't have much to give, but I did give 100% upvote, although it still may even be a penny. And a resteem. Hoping that you get more eyes on this. I will be spreading the word to those I talk with as well.

That's exactly what we need, though. It's actions like that which add up and become something greater. I envision it like drops that eventually have the power of a tsunami. We're going to get this done soon! :D Thank you!

You are welcome, hopefully it kicks off fast.

My god Venezuela needs a huge help for real

You might try @fundition with this project. They have a lot of good results in helping people raise money and you have a good cause. You need to go in their Discord Channel and use their "io" site. I do not know too much about it, but I hear of people having success.

Good luck and I hope the funds come for this.

Thanks! I'm going to look into @fundition.

won’t it be smarter to sell the Steem for USD now because steem could very well lose its gains then you’ll be screw/slowed down

How would I know when to convert the funds into STEEM and when to convert them into USD, to maximize my profits? What if I make the wrong trade, and lose the funds?

but this current rise in Steem could very well be erased next week, I don’t know if steem will rise or not in the short term, nor do I know if by the time the goal was hit if steem had gone up. its hard to tell but its up to you in the end. ill support this either way

You're right - we don't know what will happen to the exchange rate between USD and STEEM. It will probably go up AND down over the next several months, just like it has always done. That means to avoid taking any perceived losses, I would have to make perfect trades (both into STEEM and into USD) back and forth, nonstop, to always avoid missing out on potential gains. Like I said above, what if I make the wrong trade, and lose some of the donations? I'm certain people would be critical, and with good reason.
The only logical decision is the one I made at the start - to collect STEEM until it equals 1300 USD, the local price of the pump and installation in Venezuela. Initially, I had hoped it would only take a couple weeks for the project to get noticed, and funded. Turns out it's taking months, meaning the USD value of the STEEM held fluctuates. Nothing we can do about that, except stick to the plan :)

I donated a bit

Thank you! It will show up in the coming update (Saturday).

Thank you @jk6276 for the 2.0 Steem direct donation, and @cryptojiang for the 0.5 Steem direct donation!

My pleasure always happy to help.

Posted using Partiko Android

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