One Of The Most Rewarding Experiences OF My Entire Life!!

in #vehiclephotography6 years ago (edited)

What Up Peeps!

I know. That title is a pretty generic yet intriguing statement. But you're here. So I guess that it worked. Unless This ends up being one of my posts that no one ever looks at ....... So I should probably just get down to the meat and potatoes. Love & Happiness. What else in life holds more importance (don't even think about saying money)? - Not a whole lot if you ask me. And let me tell you. There is no greater example of the two than a marriage. To raise that bar a bit - A marriage between the elderly. I present to you My Grandmother Betty & Rob her new Husband.


Although I've worked in film/ video production for years in one capacity or another - Prior to shooting the photos and video contained within this post - My camera operating experience was limited. Limited to the point where this was literally my first official photoshoot. Like the first time I took my camera out of it's bag and actually tried to compose shots. First time I played with exposure. First time Depth of field came into play. First time I had to deal with posing people for pictures. So many firsts! This was, for many reasons one of the greatest and most rewarding experiences I've ever had. Period.


In early August of 2016 my grandmother called to tell me that not only had she found a new man but that they were getting hitched. I was so happy I cried! Not a man cry. I sobbed like a big fat fucking baby. Because she deserved it. After everything she had been through & everything she's done for others. The world owed her this. When I finally calmed down she asked me a question.


"Eric honey. Would you do something special for me? "

"Of course Nan. Anything! "

"Would you please walk me down the aisle and give me away? "

"I'll be there! "

For an example of just how awesome she is - Take a look at one of the many news articles about her and her annual Care Fair - Where her and her team of volunteers do amazing work for the underprivileged and needy in her community.

She had no idea I'd be bringing my camera and had plans to give her some awesome photos as a wedding gift. Hell, I had no idea how dope these things would turn out. That's the thing about me. I've learned that I work best under pressure. In fact, I excel.


My mother and I departed from Pearson International Airport in Toronto and flew to Charlottetown Prince Edward Island on the first Friday of October in 2016. We landed at about 1 AM and rushed to my Grandmothers house to get some sleep as the wedding was scheduled for the following day at 8 AM.


In an effort to minimize my luggage, I chose to only bring my a7sii / Nifty 50 (Canon 50mm f1.8) & Canon to Sony Metabones Adaptor. No lights. No Flash. No Nd filters. No tripods. No Gimbals. I know I'm a boss.

Being that I had to walk her down the isle I was limited in the amount of coverage I was able to get of the actual ceremony. But made up for it afterwards.


As I stated in my introduction post - My grandmother lost her previous husband Elwood nearly a decade ago. They were together for about 20 years - Which, at the time of his death - Was my entire life. They were soulmates. Ok I know some people don't believe in that term but I do. And I can say, without a doubt that they were just that.


Here's GamGam and Elwood

The pair made yearly trips to Florida. And took respite breaks in South Carolina When they would get to the hotel (Same one every year) Elwood would get her and their luggage into the room and he would then head across the street to a Burger King. While crossing a 4 lane highway Elwood was struck by a transport truck and was killed instantly.

In honour of Elwood my grandmother erected a memorial garden. This is where her and Her new husband Rob wanted to do their photo shoot - I know that might seen a little odd but it's what they wanted. Rob understands that they were soulmates. Hell their (Her & Rob's) wedding photos hang in the front foyer of their house right next to her wedding pictures from when she married Elwood.

"I ain't got no problem with it. He made her so happy and she misses him a lot. I'm happy if she's happy. " Said Rob when I asked him about the pictures.


They rented an awesome Studebaker

I think about this day often. I was too young to pay attention to most things when her and Elwood were together. But seeing her this happy. Glowing. After so much sadness - Is something I'll never ever forget. It's one of my go to thoughts - whenever I get down - I think about Betty and Rob on their wedding way.


The fact that she wanted me to walk her down the aisle and give her away to Rob is one of the greatest honours I've ever had. Below you can find a little video I shot over the two days I spent handing out with the love birds. Wherever you are - what ever you're doing - find some one - or something to show some love today - person or pet- Hell go clean a park - Just put some good vibes back out into he world. Love you all.

That's all for now PEEPS!



That is a truly amazing story thanks for sharing.

What a sweet tribute to your grandmother. Lovely photos.

Thank you very much! She's a sweetheart and I just had to let people know how much I love her. Robs great too lol.

Amazing story, and some real emotions captured there (in words and photography). Good job!

Thanks @tamacvet - means a lot that you stopped by to check it out/ enjoyed it. All the best!

Touching story, video and photos! You earned this 100% upvote so you have 2 more left!!

Wow dude - I have to say - Today has been by best day on Steemit so far - For a number of reasons - Thank you for everything! Mean it from the bottom of my heart. Much love dude! So happy you enjoyed my post!

Hey could you possibly give my last upvote to @jasonrussell - He's a great photographer who has started his own challenge called "Wide open daily" - And I really want more people to get involved with it. Here's his latest

Ok I will upvote him for you.

Amazing - Thank you!

I love your loveful post... I upvoted and will follow you ;-)

Thank you @yomismosoy Followed you back! Keep it real homie!

That last photo is great, I hope everything works out for them. Your closeness to your grandmother is admirable, it doesn't really happen very often that I have seen.

Thank you for your kind words. I lost my other grandmother way too early and my biggest regret is that I never spent enough time with her. So happy you enjoyed my post. All the best!

Howdy partner, I'm @photocurator, a curation bot; I keep an eye on the photo feeds, I vote random photos of my followers and at the end of the day I publish a post with links to the best photos. Follow @photocurator to get your photos curated in the future!

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