Vegan Lemon Cheezecake

In Hungary, they have this awesome farmer's cheese known as turo . I made kick-ass turo.....before I was a vegan.

Even before vegan, I made my own tofu, like totally from scratch, from the beans instead storebought soy milk.

Fast forward to 2016 as I decided to live vegan, my family and I was missing a lot of Hungarian goodies that are turo-based. Cheesecake, desserts, snacks, breads, anything that use turo to make it oh so damn good.

Searching online, Hungarian vegans substitute turo with millet. I tried, it just wasn't the same IMO.

One day a vegan said to me, to make vegan farmer's cheese is just like making tofu. Soy milk plus lemon juice/vinegar.

In my head I was like...hmmm..yeah, no🤔 That's how I make tofu, man🤔

Fast forward to 2017, last month, I tried making with soy milk and lemon juice. Hmm yeah, tofu😫 Then I got another box of soy milk, tried again, this time with vinegar, and yeah, still tofu!!! Aaarrrggghhh!!

Almost giving up, I said to my husband, let's get another box of soy milk and let's try with apple cider vinegar this time.

Yup, Yup, yup. I got it, baby! The smell of my kitchen, was freaking turo smell!!! Yay! Dancing time, I thought, but nope😅 Texture was suuuupppeerrr soft obviously. Just like......TOFU!!!!!😫😫😫😫

My husband even kept saying, "Sayang (Indonesian word for dear), this isn't turo". A frying pan was about to fly to his head 😅

I give up, I thought.

But I stored it in the fridge.

The next day, I literally opened all the drawers in the kitchen, compiling ingredients!

I said to myself, FUDGE it! Imma bake myself a cheesecake today, using that damned turo! 😂😂😂

Ladies and gentlemen, the result is divine! You won't know it's cheezecake instead (dairy) cheesecake!


I was so in love with it that I no longer want to make no-bake cashew cheezecake that always has to be frozen. No more!

I was so big headed, patting my own back as I finally made a cheezecake that I truly love! So naturally, I shared it to my vegan friends, and guess what they said, tofu based cheesecake has been around for a long time 😂😂😂

God dammitt!!!


I haven't try any vegan tofu cheezecake before so I don't know if mine is similar like other people's, but one thing I know, mine is the bomb 😉

So here I share you my Baked Vegan Lemon Cheezecake!


Farmers Cheeze

• 1 large box of soy milk, 1.98 ml
• 1/2 c apple cider vinegar

In an oven proof pan, pour milk and vinegar, mix

Cover with lid and let stand on kitchen counter over night

Bake on 200 F for 6 H, cooled to room temperature

Lay a cheesecloth and strain cheeze, hang until all liquid gone, only cheeze left.

Place in container, cover, place in the fridge until ready to use!


Lemon Cheezecake

• 1 1/2 c Turo
• 1 can minus 1 tbsp condensed milk
• 1 1/2 tbsp fisiliun
• 1 tbsp lemon
• 1/2 tsp vanilla
• 1 tbsp maple

Mix everything in food processor until creamy


• 1 c nut meal
• 1/2 c flour
• 2 tsp sugar
• 2 tbsp margarine melted
• 3 tbsp milk

Mix everything and pat mixture on spring-form pan.


Pour cream mixture on crust and bake in preheated 350 F for 30 mins


Cool to room temperature and chill in the fridge over night.

Following day, make the lemon sauce:

• 3/4 c water
• 1/4 c lemon
• 1/2 of grated skin
• 1/2 of frozen lemon
• 1/4 c sugar
• 1 - 1 1/2 tbsp corn starch

Mix everything and being to boil. Cook til thicken.


Reserve some of the lemon sauce and add some flour, 2 tbsp at a time. Cook until choux consistency (choux is like when you make choux pastry). Adding flour as needed. Spoon this mixture into pipping bag.


Pipe lemon cream on cheezecake and serve cheezecake with lemon sauce.


Love love love my new concoction. I have since made another cheezecake using turo I made myself. It was this following pumpkin cheezecake (click the picture).


As today is Wednesday, I am submitting this blog of mine to #veganwednesday -A sharing day of everything vegan initiated by @heart-to-heart Everyone regardless vegan or not is welcome to join us, as long as your post is vegan related (which means no animal products whatsoever!)🌱🌱🌱🌱

That being said, @heart-to-heart most likely will be away from Steemit for the time being as she is mending her broken heart from losing one of his precious babies. But it doesn't mean we should stop introducing Vegan Wednesday to Steemians 😊

Thanks for looking!


Woohoo, dancing time it is @thekitchenfairy! Love your work!

Yes definitely @offoodandart !

It's a cheezecake that can be sold at a vegan bakery/restaurant as well, imo

Definitely much better than nut-based vegan cheezecake, so am pretty happy 😀 well aside finding out I won't be on a record book since I wasn't the first 😂😂😂😂😂😂 joking!


Oh, that looks good! ^^

Come try this recipe too @mermaid !!

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I always loved cheese cake in any variations and I urgently want to try out a vegan version another day.
This one is a beauty! I can kind of smell it!

Give this a try @pusteblume ! I am crossing fingers you'd like this one (too) 😉

I was the cheesecake queen. My bakery produced a lot of cheesecakes on my non vegan days.

Now I have made something that I know I can count on, I might offer cheezecake again 😀

Wow, this looks and sounds delicious. I would never think of making a dairy-free cheesecake but have started to think about possible trying veganism again, and even if not at least cut down my dairy intake, this looks phenomenal. Thanks for sharing.

My pleasure! Do give this a try, and once you did, share me how you think of it @topkpop 😀

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