Vegan Wednesday: Firing up the Grill!

Happy Wednesday!  Just as @lenasveganliving makes me adore Mondays, @heart-to-heart has me just as excited now that #veganwednesday has returned!  The entries for week one were already so great that I can't wait to see as even more people jump in.  The latest contest post with information on how to join plus the winners from last week can be found here:

This week my entry is sharing one of my favorite ways to make vegetables taste delicious--grilling!  I know a lot of people associate barbecues and grilling with meat, but it's actually a really easy way of cooking a ton of vegetables, too.  I don't know that I can think of any vegetable that I don't enjoy cooked on the grill.  It helps that @dksart takes the reigns there, so it saves me a little bit of time in the kitchen.  It's also a great excuse to get outside and enjoy the weather when it is nice!

This week I kept all of my vegetables pretty simple so we could mix and match as we liked throughout the week.  I prepared cabbage "steaks", portobello caps, onions, bok choy and halved avocados to toss on the grill.  The wonderful thing about using fresh vegetables is that you really don't need a lot of seasoning to make them taste delicious, but feel free to flavor as you like.  When all of my herbs are growing well I will do an herb and vinegar marinade or make a really delicious pesto to put on top when everything is cooked.  It is really easy to do a big batch, so I like to make it a part of my meal plan for the week.  :)

While he cooked the veggies outside, I put together some black beans, cooked sweet potato chunks and the greens from my celery root and beets in a pan to use as my mushroom stuffing.  The sweet potatoes I had already roasted for my mix and match lunches, and the beans I just took out of the freezer from some of my batch cooking.  Easy as can be!  You can make a good stuffing out of just about anything you have on hand.  I just used a little bit of taco seasoning to flavor it.

It was a delicious meal straight off the grill, but also for leftovers.  Each serving has at least a full 2 cups of veggies in one sitting!  Such a great way to check off some nutritional boxes for the day.  If you don't like my medley, pick what you like or what is in season in your neck of the woods.  Vegan doesn't have to be hard or boring.  Take the time to experiment with different foods and methods of cooking (or raw if that's your thing!) and you will be sure to find some go-to meals that you love.

I hope our selections made you drool a little bit. ;)  What are your favorite veggies or even fruits to toss on the grill?


Great planning and grilling, looks amazing!

Thanks so much!

Never tried red cabbage steaks... they look and sound amazing! And you are so right, everything on the grill taste so good. Should take out the BBQ one of the days... well, the weekend is already packed but next week I'll def try those red cabbage steaks.

You definitely should! I'd love to see your take on making them. I bet it would be delicious with a mango salsa!

Ohh yum. Already hungry for dinner now. Might fire up the grill soon. Maybe today. We have a friend over ;)

This looks so tasty and delicious! I'm getting hungry:) I love cooking vegetables on the grill and will do so when the weather gets warmer! That is a great idea with the mushroom stuffing! I've been eating so many potatoes I forgot about bok choy and all the other vegetables that are so delicious!

Thanks so much! Glad it looks tasty to you. ;) We really enjoyed it. I end up getting on a kick where I do the same foods a lot, too, so it's nice to see what everyone else is cooking and get inspired! :)

I am on my way, lol..............grilled veggies are one of my favorite delights of all!!! Unfortunately, I don't have a grill and your plate is calling my name Dear @plantstoplaks. Absolutely to die for!!!

Come on down! I'm glad Dave is such a good grill-master. I have no grilling skills to speak of, but I can prep the veggies for him any day of the week. :)

You are such a great team guys............I am calling Uber to take me to an airport, lol.

Delicious! :)

Thanks for grilling babe!

Hey the idea of making the cabbage into little "steaks" seems like the perfect way to spice up a vegan meal!

Thanks! It was the first time we've grilled cabbage but it definitely won't be the last!

Yummy! That meal looks so feeling! Congratulations 🎈

Yes indeed, we were filled to bust with yummy plants! :)

Oh, there you go, tempting the tastebuds again. Yum! I have never heard of cabbage steaks, but, I love, love, love the idea!

I am writing down all these different ideas of stuffing, 99% have been amazing!

I had my first grilled bok choy. Holy yum-yum. It's all good!

Thank you again for all your great ideas!

I don't think I'd fool any meat-eaters with those steaks, but it's nice to have something thick and hearty to cut into every now and again. I went out to eat the other night and they had grilled cabbage in the veggie fajitas, so I just had to try it!

The bok choy is fantastic on the grill, isn't it?

I'm happy to keep sharing because it's too good to keep to myself. :) Happy Wednesday Denise!

Happy Wednesday!! Who wants to be fooled!? Those steaks look awesome!

Wishes she had BBQ ;) Yum! I love cabbage steaks! My dad was just trying to convince me to go buy a BBQ the other day but they are not the American style ones you probably have, they are like ... I don't even know how to explain haha iron with some rods across. Maybe I'll give it a go if I can figure out how those things work ;) Thanks for another wonderful entry!

I'll be curious to see if you try one out! I'm kind of glad @dksart handles our grill. Fire scares me a bit, though I do really miss having a gas stove.

I don't know if I have the talent for that haha might have to just stick inside. I have a gas stove, it's a 2 burner so it drives me crazy since I like having 8 things on the go at once ;)

Come play on mine anytime :)

You're not nice :-) Not only this dish made me drool, I am envied with your weather too. After the snow storm, we only have rain for days..

Your veggies grilling, has me thinking of grill fresh corns! Yummm

Sorry to rub it in! 🤣 Fresh corn is delicious on the grill, too!

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