A Tale of Two Salads: Vegan Wednesday

Hey there folks!  I hope everyone is having a fantastic week so far.  I've got some more yummy food ideas for you today.  If you caught my #fruitsandveggiesmonday post then you probably saw I overloaded on my produce this week, so I made not one, but two salads for the week.  I'm in good company as my foodie #spuddie @woman-onthe-wing wrote a fantastic post on how to make an "un-boring" salad. :)

Our garden is also overflowing with herbs, so I am lucky enough to have lots of natural flavor enhancers for my meals these days.  Since it is heating up here in the South, I opted for one mostly raw salad and then the other one is mostly cooked--though even the cooked one can be eaten cold or at room temperature.  While I really don't feel like I overindulged too much on vacation last week, it is still nice to load up on all kinds of fresh produce this week as I get back into my regular schedule.

Though our pal @heart-to-heart is getting settled in her new place and struggling with some internet connectivity issues, I'm still supporting her #veganwednesday initiative with these lovely bowls of goodness.  I know one of the stereotypes of vegans is that we just eat grass, but at least we load up on lots of other veggies on top of the green stuff.  I am not always a huge salad person myself, but I have become much more of an advocate now that I have learned how to really put together a filling version.

Salad #1 of the week is one of my favorite spring/summer combos.  The tomatoes are starting to get juicy, and the cucumbers provide a refreshing crunch.  I also love using sprouted organic tofu cubed up so it kind of looks like feta.  It adds some solid protein to fill me up, as well.  The recipe is super simple.  Just chop up and toss the following ingredients together in the proportions of your choosing:

  • organic tomatoes
  • cucumber
  • colorful bell peppers
  • organic firm tofu (preferably sprouted if you can find it)
  • leafy greens
  • a few big handfuls of fresh herbs--I used oregano & parsley this time
  • diced red onion
  • balsamic vinegar
  • pinch of salt and pepper (optional)
  • a few chopped olives (optional)

Doesn't get much easier than that!  I do big chunks because it makes chopping faster and I feel like it makes for a heartier and more filling salad.

Salad #2 for the week was slightly more labor intensive, but just as delicious.  I did have fun playing with my food as I really thought one of my sweet potatoes looked a bit like the Loch Ness monster. ;)  Perhaps that means I need to visit Scotland for the next trip!

The main part of the salad really was not too difficult.  I just cubed and roasted a few sweet potatoes, beets, and a bit of the leftover chopped red onion until everything was soft.  I also cooked up some more asparagus while it is still around.  I mixed all that with a few cups of cooked chickpeas and some artichoke hearts once the veggies were cooked.  That combo alone is another of my favorites, but I also made a kick-@$$ dressing to go with this one.

Garden Herb Dressing

  • 1 large handful each of fresh coriander & lemon balm (like really large, don't skimp on these)
  • 1/3 cup hemp seeds
  • 2 tablespoons tahini
  • 1 lime, zest & juice
  • sprinkle of sea salt & ground black pepper

Place everything in the food processor and blend together until smooth.  Taste and adjust ingredients to your liking.

Mix all that goodness together, plop on top of some leafy greens and take that yummy stuff outside to eat in the sunshine!  Everything tastes better when you can eat it under a clear blue sky. :)

Now I'm hungry, time to go get one of these and chow down...


Amazing salads, you do a wonderful job of mixing your meals up! So nice that you have a garden, all those fresh greens and herbs. MMM!

I end up using many of the same ingredients, but there are so many ways to put things together that we never get bored. :) We keep hoping the rest of the garden will start coming along, but until then at least we have plenty of herbs!

I am getting hungry by looking at those pictures and reading your post! So fresh and vibrant, love it Katie!!

Thank you my friend! I hope you enjoyed your weekend!

They looks super delicious! Congrats dear!

Thank you my friend! :)

I'm not usually a salad girl but you got me craving a big green salad! Great post! So much Yum!

I never used to be either, but now that I've learned not to be afraid of eating out of a mixing bowl to fit in all of the good stuff I'm a big fan. ;)

On the rare occasion that we do salads we also use giant mixing bowls! Lol! I think it's the only way to feel fully satisfied after a salade meal! ❤️

As always, YUM

I will always appreciate that response. ;)

Yummy! :)

Thanks dear. :)

Delicious, colorful and super healthy............absolutely love it Katie. The sweet potato is quite a find, lol

Thanks Lena! I didn't think about it when I grabbed it in the store, but when I pulled out my ingredients for the salad it made me giggle. 😋

Those are just amazing and make me want to jump in the computer screen to get them. yummy!!!!

That happens to me all the time on here! Following people like you and so many others keeps me excited to put together delicious, vibrant food, too!

That's awesome thanks!

this looks fantastic and the potato has grown funny!

Thank you! Getting ready to head to the farmers market now to get some more fun (or maybe funny-looking) veggies to put together for next week! :)

You are so lucky to have an amazing garden to get a little food from :) That salad looks so yummy :)

In years past I haven't been as good to make sure I really utilize all of the abundance of herbs, so I'm really trying this year to load up while they are growing so well! No sense letting good greenery go to waste! :)

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