Tempeh & Veggie Loaded Baked Potatoes--Vegan

Hello dear Steemians!  I had a butt-kicking week in the kitchen, so I have another really fantastic recipe for you today.  This is another one I teased you with in my #fruitsandveggiesmonday post.  I couldn't leave you hanging without sharing it before the week was up. ;)

Just because I want to finish out the month strong with supporting the #veganuary cause, I'm putting out some more love for @lolzwithlisa's #veganuarycontest!  There is still time to enter if you want to put out the good word living the vegan lifestyle. :)  https://steemit.com/veganuarycontest/@lolzwithlisa/veganuary-final-week-how-to-enter

Tempeh is a really amazing vegan source of protein, so I also thought it would be great to share a recipe using it to give newbie vegans or adventurous omnivores a possibly new main-dish option.  I had no clue what to do with it when I first came across it, and now I love using it in everything from chili to stir fry to a baked potato filling!  Tofu is great, but I like the nuttiness of tempeh even more in certain recipes.  Many people would also consider it a slightly superior option due to it being fermented, which makes absorption of nutrients even better and it helps keep the good bacteria in our digestive system happy and healthy!

I also love to continue seeing and putting out great vegan recipes that anyone would devour.  I do still try to make my indulgent comfort food a bit healthier so I can enjoy it all of the time and be able to maintain my fitness and health goals.  Traditional loaded baked potatoes can be quite the calorie bomb, so I think my version still delivers on the flavor without being quite so heavy.  I also broke out the slow cooker again to make the veggies and tempeh, but you could easily cook them up in a skillet if you do not have access to a slow cooker. :)

Tempeh & Veggie Loaded Baked Potatoes

Makes 8 Servings

  • 8 small baking potatoes (about the size of a fist) or 4 large, halved for serving
  • 2 (8-ounce) packages regular tempeh, sliced horizontally into strips
  • 1 large onion, peeled & sliced
  • 2 large bell peppers, seeded & sliced
  • 8 ounces mushrooms of choice, sliced
  • 1/4 cup tamari, liquid aminos or low-sodium soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons yellow mustard
  • 1 tablespoon dried fennel seeds
  • 1 tablespoon dried oregano
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne (optional--omit if you prefer less spice)
  • vegan cheeze sauce (optional)*

Prepare you vegetables and tempeh, then place in the slow cooker.  Mix together your tamari through the cayenne.  Pour over top of your vegetables and lightly stir.  Cover and cook on high 3-4 hours, or until veggies are soft.  Normally you do not want to open the slow cooker during cooking, but I did stir once or twice to make sure my mushrooms did not stick.

Meanwhile, preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.  Wash your potatoes.  Take a fork and poke a few times on each side of each tater.  Place on a baking sheet lined with a silicone liner or parchment paper.  If you want, sprinkle a little bit of sea salt on the skin.  Place in the oven and cook for about an hour, turning halfway.  Depending upon the size of your potatoes you may need to cook longer to get them completely soft.

If you really want to make your potatoes rich and delicious, prepare a vegan cheeze sauce to top.  I used the sauce from this easy recipe.

Once everything is cooked, split open your baked potatoes and top with a few scoops of the vegetable mixture and a drizzle of sauce.  Enjoy!


This looks SO good! I'm not a mushroom fan, so I'd take those out, but other than that this is sheer perfection.

Thanks for the feedback! The mushrooms are definitely easy to leave out. 🍄😉

Yummy! Lightlife is the best best tempeh out there! Great recipe my dear! Thank you for sharing!

It's my favorite, too, Maru! Glad you like it! :)

I love your recipes :) Sometimes I wish someone would prepare meals like this for me, instead of me standing in the kitchen all the time :D

Thank you friend! I actually did cook for a few of my really good personal training clients for about a year, but it was too stressful to try to do that and keep up with my full training load. I may go back to it some day if I could devote my full time to it. :)

Great recipe! btw if you think tofu is a bit bland (I do anyway) try the smoked variant in your recipes, it has more kick to it. Great in spreads too.

I think I may have had smoked tofu once before, but thanks for the tip! I'll definitely have to try it again!

I have never eaten tempeh! I think it's time to finally try it. Now I have wonderfuul recipe from you 😉

I hope you get a chance to try it soon! It's quite versatile to use, so there's no end to recipes you can make with it! :)

I love tempeh! It's one of those things I feel most people don't find until becoming vegan. I have never thought of using in a potato! What a great idea @plantstoplanks!

I definitely did not try it until changing my diet! Now I think it might be my dad's favorite meat substitute, and he's still an omnivore. I'm just happy he does a lot more meat-free meals than he ever used to. :) Glad I could help give you a new idea on how to use it!

This looks so yummy :) Thank you for the recipe :)

Thanks so much for the compliment! I know I am biased, but I thought it was delicious. :)

Looks so good! When I first saw it I was surprised that there was so many ingredients. Still, doesn't seem like too complicated to cook especially since it can feed so many!

Most of the ingredients are seasoning or basic staples, so don't be too intimidated. It's really pretty easy to throw together! Pretty inexpensive too since it spreads to quite a few servings. 😀 Thanks for taking the time to comment!

Good stuff! :)

Thanks, Dear. :)

How'd your run go chic? Your cooking & food Prep is inspiring to me. I need to get a better handle on my nutrition

The run felt great! I'll try to post tomorrow or Saturday! Thanks for checking! I'm happy I can help motivate you on the food end of things to return the favor. 🏃‍♀️🍲

I'll be looking for your post =)
Don't forget to post in @jumowa #runforsteem hehe. I'm probably gong food shoppimh today or tomorrow hopefully I can find good stuff. I get overwhelmed in grocery stores is part of the problem

Will do! Good luck at the grocery store! Do you usually make a list? Even though I sometimes change up my produce based on what looks good or is available, I still always have a basic list to help keep me focused. I try to go in with a pretty solid idea of my meals for the week so I don't buy too little or too much!

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