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RE: Vegan Pragmatism

Can't wait to make this one day soon. You really made me think about my food intake. I started dialing back my eating window from 10 to 8 hours ( 16 hour fast ), starting today. I am still eating meat and dairy though.

I should get a hold on some cashews, this looks and sounds amazing!


Mediterranean food is so amazing. Specially love Lebanese cuisine for that transition. They have a lot of vegan options. There are a lot of tips and tricks i reveal on how to make a good Seitan and a Jackfruit Curry. I also have a great recipe on an indian dish with eggplant called Baingan Bharta. Although personally I would also try to eat less of night shades and instead have a lots of nuts, grains, salads and herbs. I also love mushrooms. I think I eat way too much wheat proteins(gluten) etc. too much soy isn’t healthy either. Gonna try a more alkaline diet, avoiding acidic foods for a while and keep solanine and lectins out of my diet starting on Monday, 17. June 2019 10:30:42 (MESZ) for at least 3 months.

Lebanese sounds awesome. It's just not easy for me to find 'special' ingredients here. It does not help to not have a car and live in a tiny village without any shops haha.

Nuts, grains, salads and herbs sound great and I love mushrooms too!

Same story about wheat. I heavily cut down on bread though ( Portuguese eat loads of it ) and try to eat couscous and brown rice instead of potatoes or pasta whenever I can.

I'm curious about what that diet is gonna bring you.

P.S. You planted a seed in my head about visiting India ( in October ), I can't wait to taste Indian food :>)

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