Eating My First Ever Home Grown Guava!

in #vegan7 years ago (edited)

Good afternoon, Steemians!

I just got done eating my very first guava that I grew from my very own tree. I ate it, I didn't make it into juice. I didn't need to! It was so sweet.

Eating this Guava was seriously unlike anything I've ever eaten. I've eaten guavas I've bought in the store, but I'm not exaggerating when I say that this one I grew tasted 3 times better than any other guava in my entire life. No shit. I picked it at peak ripeness, something that commercial growers honestly just don't have the luxury of being able to do. They have to truck their product miles and miles and risk spoilage, so they pick them too early.


I really want to encourage people to grow their own food. You seriously don't know what you're missing until you eat food that you grew!!!


I fear that now I will become a perfect guava chaser, much like chasing the white dragon (drug reference). You will never be able to reach that first high again, though you try time after time.


I really think it'll be hard to top the guava I just ate, but I'm going to allow the next one to mature a little longer to see if I can get it to be even sweeter


Thank you guys so much for stopping by, you guys rock and I hope you start eating more fruit and veg and save yourselves from heart disease and other preventable disease! Our diet is 100% our choice. Choose wisely!

Hansen's Gift.gif


What an amazing accomplishment! Keep adding to the list of home grown goodness! :)

You should be very proud of yourself from growing your own fruit. Currently I'm working on a Myers lemon tree that I grew from a seed. Still will be five years before I make lemonade.

I am very proud! Mmmmm that's great you grew from seed! I have a meyer lemon as well, it's about waist high, no lemons yet :D Love to pick off a leaf and smell it though, smells just like a lemon that you've cut into!

im growing lemon trees from seed aswell there only about 1ft tall but they look healthy, at least i think there lemons, someone told me you can plant a lemon seed and end up with an orange tree because of cross pollination! or any citrus plant they can all pollinate each other! good luck with it :)

I expect 4 more posts about your guava, don't let me down! Lol I can't upvote ya but I'll send u some STDs..I mean SBDs 😁 coming soon!

Ahaha! You keep your STDs my dude! Keep your SBDs too, you've earned them! Use them to pay @randowhale!

I can't do it from my phone. The only ones I've had are the ones I've been lucky enuff to get from you and @raybrockman. Also I love giving you guys a lil tip because I feel bad my vote power sucks and most the time it's too low to pay shit. Take a lil sbd infusion instead of a 0c upvote and we can still be friends lol

And shortly after I sent this i see you randobombed me again! Dam man I'm not expecting that I like giving u guys a lil change. Check my history I'm giving alot away everyday. It's free money to me anyways. *If anyone's reading this.. vegansilverstack is a real cool cat and has helped a minnow immensely! Tell him to take my $!!! Haha

Haha! Let's help each other out man! I like that idea!

Guayabas :)

i like your posts because they are authentic

im glad it tasted as good as it looked! absolutely home grown food actually makes you feel good :)

Oh..that's what I was waiting on LOL....YUM!!! I'm going to buy my tree next weekend, if they have them in stock. You said you got yours at the Home Dep??

Yes! $50 and about 4 ft. tall :) Now mine is well above 6 ft.

Awesome thank you! I'm so excited LOL

@vegansilverstack Interesting post and already want to share the pomegranates that many benefits

Send my share instantly....

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