Vegan Indian Week Day 3: Dal Tarkari

in #vegan7 years ago (edited)

A soup from dal and vegetables

thickened, to eat without side dish, i was surprised with the aromatic and rich flavor!

Dal is the Indian therm for pulses. For 4-6 servings you wil need 1 hour of preparation and cooking time and this ingredients:

200 g mung beans
1.9 l water
3 t. salt
2 indian laurel leaves
1 cinamon stick
1 t. curcumin
275 g mixed vegetables
1 T. vegan margarine
1 T. coconut oil
1 ½ t. cumin
2 crumbled dry chillies
1 t. ginger
¼ t. asafetida
1 T. fresh chopped parsley
2 sliced and washed organic lemons

Two ingredients I want to discuss further before we start:

True cinnamon (cinnamomum verum), or ceylon cinnamon is a little pricier than the common chinese cinnamon, contains significantly less coumarin and is therefore easier on the liver, is brighter and it’s bark is thin and paperlike, usually multiple layers instead of one thick layer as the chinese cinnamon has.
It’s taste is delicate, sweet with subtle notes of clove, so ideal for desserts. For stews i prefer the pungent, full-bodied taste of the chinese variant (cinnamomum cassia).

Indian bay leaves, also called tejpat, are twice as long and wider than common bay laurel leaves and impart a strong cinnamon-like aroma, while the bay laurel leaf's aroma is more like pine and lemon.

Wash and weed out the dal, as there could be little stones in it. Cook the water with salt, indian laurel leaves and cinnamon stick. If you want a thicker consistency of the dal to eat it as a main course, use half the salt.

the main actors in this play

Add the dal to the boiling water. After boiling again, partially put the lid on and cook for 20 minutes on medium or longer for thicker consistency. The dal should be soft. Skim the foam.

i just love my drop kitchen scale

Add curcumin, vegan margarine, chopped vegetables, put lid on and cook til the vegetables soften and the dal dissolves. Put the flame on small, this is crucial as we will add hot oil in the next step. In a sauté pan add the coconut oil and roast the cumin and crumbled chili, when brown, add ginger and asafetida and wait a few seconds. Then with a fast move pour this masala into the dal, don’t burn yourself!

what's cookin good lookin?

Immediately put the lid on and cook for another 5 minutes. If the aroma of the cumin spreads throughout the whole kitchen, you know that it is ready to serve😋

Serve with rice, naan and vegetables and top witch chopped parsley and pieces of lemon.

Every good chef works with acidity, so don’t forget to squeeze those lemons over your meal!



My photo impression of your recipe, which I immediately tried, but with some variations.
I used depuis lentils and cinnamon from Iran (don't know what type it is but I think the Cassia - thicker bark, definitely not rolled up).
I roasted the cumin and ground it in a pestle and mortar. I went very easy on the chili since I can't take spice too well. (Probably too spicy by nature!) I also added pinenuts and a pumpkin-sweetpotato soup I had already made - from scratch needless to say, since totally fresh and organic is my thing. Great idea to add parsley (prefer it to corriander leaf) and lemon adds the finishing touch!
Made this for my son to take to work in a flask (has evening shifts).
Will be following you for more inspiration!
Om Shanti.

Thank you, great photos! Love the variations and your zen icon :) Good idea with the pine nuts and soup, I see you made the thicker version too.

I love your recipes, they are very similar to things I make for myself, and yours look soooo delicious! Lovely and healthy ingredients, for adults and children alike, perfect! I also love the information and tips about ingredients too :-)

Glad you like it, I try to gather as much information as possible about every ingredient and share it.

You have done nice work. More i like is vegan dish.
If you like you can participate in @chetanpadliya contest based on vegan items.

Thank you, he has a fruit and vegetables contest at the moment, so maybe in the future.

I like your vegan recipe.

Thank you it’s really aromatic with a rich flavor

Your recipes are so healthy! Thanks for taking time to make your recipes so easy to follow and for the awesome photos 📸

You’re welcome, I try to find a good mix between convenience and health.

have to try! looks great

I had my share of dals, sometimes they taste a little stale, but not this!

Exactly my thought wenn I spooned it in :)

I love dal.

You will love it even more when you prepare it for yourself, try it!

Very useful information about the different cinnamons! Also for an aromatherapist.

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