Vegan travel guide - Koh Phangang - Eat Co

in #vegan7 years ago

Hi guys,

If it's something I dream of it's making vegan travel guides and help people find the best vegan places in the world.
It would pretty much be a dream come true if I was able to make this for a living.
Currently I'm in the beautiful Island Koh Phangang located in Thailand.

This vegan paradise is home to some of the best vegan food I have ever tasted.
The ingredients are always fresh and almost always locally grown. Very few vegan restuarants use any processed food and if they do it's only single ingredients in a dish.

Here you find the healthiest food to the best price. The avare cost for a meal is 250 bath (with food and drink) in Euros that will be 6,5 euros / a meal.
In the long run it would sure be expansive but if you find accomodation that have a kitchen you can simply live off all the delicious fruit that you find here.

Now a little sum up for the amazing food I have been eating.

Eat co

This is my favourite restaurant so far.
They have an amazing viriety of food with four different kinds of burgers, a dessert fridge packed with delicious treats and also ice lollies for when you are feeling a little too hot.


My first visit to Eat co resulted in a big breakfast platter with mashed potatoes, hummus, guacamole, toast, pita bread, home made cream cheese with chives, fresh fruit and coconut cream.
This platter was so delicious and I even though I was full I was already craving more.
Especially those delicious mashed potatoes. If there is enything I could live of my entire life it would be mashed tatoes.


I also had a delicious smoothie with kale, pinapple and mangoes with my breakfast platter.

I have been to Eat Co a lot of times and will probably go their several more to eat through their menu.
My all time favourite was their beet burger that is made with black beans. Yummy and full of protein, isn't that exactly what we are looking for?


With my burger I had a chocolate freak shake and a side of cole slaw. Just because who can say no to cole slaw and chocolate? I know I can't :D

What else can you possibly want?

Well how about some delicious break fast food? Here you get a little medley of the breakfast I've been having at Eat co

Yummy toast with vegan cream cheese and tomatoes

Chocolate smoothie bowl

Avocado toast with vegan feta, tomatoes, balsamic vinegair, lime, sea salt and olive oil. This was my favorite breakfast so far

I hope you have enjoyed looking at all my delicious food I've been eating here in Koh Phangang. There sure will be more =).

What would you like to see more of?

Sending you all lots of warm hugs

Love / Nicole


We still haven't made it to Koh Phangan and we are so close. I'll keep your tips in mind. Once my kitty cat is feeling better we are planning to go on a diving/snorkeling trip. Heard Koh Pagnan is good for it!

You really should come and visit. Tongsala bay is where a lot of diving boats go from. It's great for snorkeling and diving. And if you go, you really need to eat at They have a restaurant in Tongsala too 😊

I sure will.. not sure yet where we will take a short break. Life is getting so busy. In 1-2 months our small bakery will open its doors ;) I hope we can take some time off before the opening.

Ohh, you are opening bakery? Do you need people to work? I would love to come down and work for a couple of months if you have any need for it :)
How exciting to open a bakery, I'm so happy and excited for you =)

Not in the first months :( My friend will do the baking and as we plan to start small I'll do the shop. Otherwise you where hired hehe!

Haha let me now when it starts to get busy. We wil start our travel in Thailand probably and then move from there 😊

Looks super delicious! I love it that they use wooden plates and bowls, so natural and rooted :)

Me too, a lot of places have bamboo or metal straws. I really like that 😊 This is such a good place to be in. The eneegy here is amazing 😊

That all looks so delicious! I love making my own food, but it really is a nice treat to be able to eat out at a place that puts just as much care into their dishes as you would. And I'm totally with you on the mashed potatoes, I never miss a chance for some of those. ;)

I actually feel that these people almost put in more love in their food than I do 😂. There is so much love and passion in these restaurants. I really could need a month here to taste it all 😊

You know what, if you LOVE it, you CAN make a living out of it! That is what life is all about, find what you love, and do THAT! Things that you even would do for free and that helps others, that is the key. So I sure you will be VERY successful if you choose to continue with what you love, Nicole! You have already found a way to make money out of it, isnt that just so exciting!!

I know darling 😊 and I just need to keep doing it 😊
I have found something I truly love to do and i'm so happy for your support and love ❤

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