New research into the link between Vegan diet and Cancer treatment.

in #vegan6 years ago

New study to explore the link between whole food plant based (Vegan) Diet and breast cancer treatment.


This new study that is set to take place in the Highland hospital in Rochester, New York aims to find if there is an improvement on traditional treatments when complemented with a wholefood plant based diet. Participants in the study will all be in advanced stage breast cancer, they will undergo standard treatments for breast cancer in this stage. The cohort consists of 30 women, 20 of whom will be placed on a whole food, plant based diet. The remaining 10 will remain on their standard diet as a control group. The study will take place over a six week period.


Annually millions of dollars are invested in breast cancer and other types of cancer research, very little of this research is on human subjects. To date none have had nutrition at their core. Dr. T Colin Campbell, who is the medical director of the hospitals weight management centre has said “To my knowledge, we have never had a nutrition intervention comprised of a whole dietary shift in advanced cancer patients, in any type of cancer.” This will be a first, the study will use scientific methods to assess the impact of nutrition instead of medication in human cancer patients. Dr Campbell has put his money where his mouth is on this study and his T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies has put up 1.5 million dollars to fund this and future studies in this field. This could ba a game changer in the treatment of cancer.


Vice President and COO of Highland Hospital has said , “This funding and research will be crucial for patients and their families both here in Rochester and beyond. We are both honoured and excited that Highland can provide a home for these potentially groundbreaking studies.” The Highland Weight Management & Lifestyle Center is a new program that builds on the regional leadership of Highland Hospital in weight loss treatment. Its clinical programs are a commitment to helping patients live more vibrant, sustainable lifestyles through weight loss, good nutrition and taking care of the whole person.


We have seen numerous studies which link animal products to cancer over the last few years. The WHO, IARC, Cancer research UK amongst others have clearly stated that red and processed meat is has a direct link cancer. It has been shown that animal proteins increase the rate of cancer cell growth in controlled conditions. We have also seen that people who follow a whole food plant based diet experience dna changes and the cancer fighting cells are switched on. I for one am really excited to see the results of this study which could have far reaching consequences in the treatment of cancers across the globe.

All images unless otherwise sourced and noted as such are my own. Sourced images are clickable to show their source. My own images are typically taken with my HTC ONE.


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