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RE: Mission & Vision of Vegans of Steemit, and who are our Vegan Witnesses?

in #vegan6 years ago (edited)

I have such a big problem with my decision about going vegetarian/vegan...For each pro I find a con and vice versa..I mean - I clearly feel that consuming carbs makes me tired afterwards because of the whole insulin spike story we all know...+ all those paleo / keto arguments which talk about fat/protein heavy diet just make a lot of sense to me.

On the other side there's the environmental imprint aspect (especially with beef), animals being treated poorly etc etc etc...I just really can't decide. My sis started eating vegetarian several months ago, my 2 flatmates are both vegan and a brand new vegetarian....even my last 2 almost girlfriends were both vegetarian just thinking about it now, I guess these are all the signs what my decision should be ...but Im still a pussy


a balanced vegetable diet doesn't make me tired after eating, it's the opposite. eating meat results in tiredness due to the density of the matter and the higher level of energy needed to digest it..
lions lay unable to move much after eating... gazelles not so much.

Yepp you're right that when it comes to energy after eating, vegetables are the winner compared to the meat exactly because of the reason you've said. But you can't just pick one example I guess...what about scrambled eggs vs oats/pasta? Eggs usually make me go on for several hours whereas pasta makes me hungry and tired after one I've said, there are pros and cons to both for me

And to your lion vs gazelle comparison ... srry but I find these examples from animal world invalid....I mean..and lion is 10 times stronger than koala...does that mean that being carnivor makes you 10 times stronger? No...the same goes with not being able to move after eating with lion/gazelle....hope you get my point
I think that why lions don't really move much after eating meat is that they basically stuff themselves as much as possible cuz otherwise the meat they killed would rot. So I think it's the amout of food they consume what makes them tired, not the type of it. Gazelle can get its grass whenever it wants so no need to eat the family portion for the week on one sitting. Hope u get my point.

EDIT: But I really am happy that whole vege/vegan movement is gaining momentum cuz it's good for the planet for sure. So I'm out of here, don't want to spam you here. Just wanted to share my current situation of indecision.

what about scrambled eggs vs oats/pasta? Eggs usually make me go on for several hours whereas pasta makes me hungry and tired after one hour

Wholefoods are key and pasta is not a wholefood. If we eat natural food sources (and listen to our body's needs), as has evolved to work with our GI tract and body systems, typically things will balance out ok.

I think it's the amout of food they consume what makes them tired, not the type of it

I am speaking from my own experience and that of every other human I have known, relative to this topic - eating meat results in sluggishness since the body has to work hard to digest it. Sure, the amount eaten is relevant, but the density of the matter applies in all cases. The GI tract of a lion is MUCH shorter than of a herbivore, which means that the herbivore can potentially hold a lot of weight of material for longer, yet their muscles continue to have access to an abundance of energy.

hi @matkodurko, you are not spamming no worries =) We are having an interesting dialogue, that's important! I was just going to say that in the morning oats get me going a lot longer, without needing a snack at 10am (usually that's what I do), so try it and let us know =). With regards to energy, carbs are important. Most my friends are athletes and vegan, so they do need carbs, but of course every meal should be balanced and have protein, carbs, healthy fats and fiber. You can easily get those as a vegan. Let me know if you want to discuss more =) You're welcome in the discord btw

Yepp I've been eating oats almost daily during my "bodybuilding year" :D I've always mixed them with some protein powder and water/milk and just drank on my way to University. And almost never made it through the lecture without an urgent need for coffee. These days I usually have eggs with vegetables and I get my first coffe in the afternon. But I guess, this stuff is sooo complex and there are so many other aspects.

E.g. In the meantime I started working and my work is much more interesting than University classes used to be. So that might keep me going...I also don't eat that much as I used to during my "bodybuilding carreer" :D So it might be that my body is just not as tired of digesting the food all the time...

Dunno, I need to think it all through once again...Also, Im wondering how my flatmate who just turned vegetarian will feel in couple of weeks...

Anyway, best of luck to u all, moral ground is for sure on your side :)

Hey @matkodurko, just catching up on this dialogue here and wanted to give my two cents (or whatever my vote is worth right now I guess ;) )

I used to have a serious lethargy problem before I went vegan. My doctors said it was this and that, gave me like 100 different excuses and prescriptions but honestly nothing worked. I switched to vegetarian and then I got weaker! I couldn't figure out what was going on! (I was compensating with a lot of eggs)

Finally on my own I cut out all meats/animal products AND gluten/wheats... between the two of those eliminations, POOF, energy was backing me up!

Could it be a diet that could change my life I wondered? Obviously the doctors weren't in support of this but I am now wellll into this diet and I tell you, I still see improvement constantly by eating a well rounded, balanced diet with tons of fruits and veg (avoiding the fast-food vegan options or highly processed/sugars options)

Also a good intermittent fast can fuel your body with a ton of energy, might want to look into that as well :)

Best of luck either way! I'm happy to see you out here, looking for ways to become healthier! I think that's awesome :)

Have a great weekend!

I hope this helps. I could write forever on this but if you have any questions feel free to get in touch with me. I ended up getting a raw food nutritionist degree because I was SO fascinated by the art of healing through food.

There's been quite a boom regarding intermittent fasting in the last couple of makes all the sense in the world really, haven't tried it yet simply because I'm a pussy, constantly training and telling myself that I need the food....but I'm really 100% sure it works...I guess fasting is something all the diets agree on, that it's good for has been part of almost any culture through human history.

Oh, and Im glad you got rid of you problems at the first place!

Message me over in Discord if you want to talk about how to go about it. I know how you feel. If you knew me, you'd know I am the world's biggest advocate for eating haha I LOVE FOOD SO MUCH, it's my ultimate passion in life and almost everything I ever do surrounds it SO if I can do it, literally anyone can! It's all about the benefits at the end that get me through! =D Good luck to you either way! I wish you health <3

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