Delicious 3 Soup Recipe Remix! (Vegan/GF)

in #vegan7 years ago

Do you ever get a craving that you just have to satisfy but NOTHING but exactly what you want will do the trick?

That's my life in a nutshell. Once I get a recipe or idea in my head, it has to happen and that usually means, I have to completely uproot it and recreate it! I had a craving for cream of broccoli soup but that spiraled into thoughts of broccoli and cheddar... then broccoli and potato and before I knew it, I was having a serious dilemma! I can't have half of the ingredients in the traditional versions of these soups so I remixed them together and made a DELICIOUS vegan, gluten free version that also lined up perfectly with the lovely @deliciousplant's #avocadocontest! Win, win :)

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It all began with some yellowing broccoli in the fridge, screaming to get eaten! I thought to myself of all the things I could do with it and fell on cream of broccoli soup! You know how when something gets in your head, you have to have it? Is that just me?

I began thinking through how I could make this soup happen, still taste how I envisioned and fit into my dietary restrictions. I actually surprised myself and didn't document the whole way through in photos since I honestly wasn't expecting this to turn out so darn good (but since it did, here's the recipe!)

What you need: (Serves 3)

  • 1 1/2 cup broccoli (cut into small pieces)
  • 1/2 cup pre-boiled potatoes
  • 3/4 cup organic soy milk
  • 1/2 cup vegetable broth
  • 1/2 bunch celery (cut into pieces, you can leave the stems on!)
  • 1 bunch green onion
  • 1/2 avocado
  • Nutritional yeast to taste (I used about 1/4 cup)
  • Salt and pepper to taste

What to do:

  • Start off with your veggie broth in a pot. Bring to a boil and add in broccoli, celery and green onion. Let it simmer for about 10 minutes while your flavors start to mesh together.
  • Check the broccoli for firmness. If it's still slightly firm but getting soft, add in the cooked potatoes and soy milk. Cover and let simmer with the salt and pepper.
  • After about 5 more minutes of this, your cream should be well heated and distributed. Remove from heat and put in a blender.
  • Blend all the ingredients together until you have a smooth liquid.
  • Add in avocado and nutritional yeast and blend again until completely smooth.
  • Remove from blender, serve and set with avo slices, nutritional yeast flakes and pepper to garnish.
  • Voila! Yum! A tasty green soup is good for the soul!

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Ok, now to tell you the truth. The avocado was a complete after thought. I saw it on the counter and knew it was needing to get eaten and decided it would be the perfect finishing touch for my soup and boy oh boy was I ever right! Yum! Star ingredient right there!

I didn't want my soup to be too cheesy so I toned down how much nutritional yeast I originally thought I would be using to make it cheddar-y. I love how the cream from the soy milk and avo, the cheese from nutritional yeast and the homieness of the potatoes all came together! I had all three of the soups coming together in this recipe, cravings= satisfied! FYI: it's filling! I only needed one bowl for lunch and was happy as can be! I hope you enjoy it as well!
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Just a friendly reminder to all that I am hosting a very vegan contest click here to see the post explaining how to get involved! Anyone can enter and anyone can win as long as you follow the rules! 💖

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Looks delicious 😋

Thank you! It really is! I love the avocado addition, it really made the soup :)

Wow.... Oh Lord... This sounds delicious even if I cnt taste it. 😋😋😋😋😋😋
Weldone @heart-to-heart I hope to try dis soon and i'll also get into the contest. Thank uuuuu

Haha I hear they are working on tasting through the screen ;) Let's hope they figure it out soon! Can't wait to see your entry in #veganwednesday :)

Thanks @cryptomatic1 :) It is delicious! hope you try it!

Hi dear! Never i try avocado in soup! Sounds so tasty, the healthy green soup.

I don't usually use them either but it makes for a lovely cream :)

thank you, this recipe is perfect for me

Oh wonderful! I'm super happy to hear that! Are you vegan?

Yes, I am training the vegan diet

Oh wow, that just sounds amazing. I actually have all the ingredients so I am going to try this tomorrow night... by myself, as my hubs does not like broccoli 😂🤮

Thanks for sharing 💜

Hahaha no broccoli!? My life would just stop still! Let me know how it goes for you! I was really surprised by this recipe as it just kept on changing before my eyes (which is why I don't have step by step pictures) lol ;) I hope you love it! It's super duper good for you ;) Just tell the hubby it's something else, he'll never know ;) <3

I love soups! They are such a perfect comfort food for the winter :) Love how you included broccoli in this recipe :)

Oh winter can be so cold! Warm foods certainly do help don't they :)

Super delicious my Dear.............perfect idea for yellowing broccoli, lol. I know that panic feeling 🌸💖🌸

Haha yes, I screamed "DAD! CAN I EAT THIS?" ;) He left and went out to eat hahah <3

This looks really healthy and delicious!

Both of those are true ;) The avo makes it nice and creamy without too much taste taking over ;) It's a great way to have a healthy version of some traditional soups :)

This soup looks so delicious! I've never tried adding avocado to soups, but it's a great idea. I'm sure it makes the soup smooth and creamy. 😊

It was seriously a last minute idea. I loved the soup before I put it in but took the risk ;) It really makes it so smooth and creamy, exactly. You're so right! I loved it, it was so much more full once I added it! give it a go, it really doesn't have too much flavor so it doesn't change the soup very much in that way :) <3

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