What is it like travelling as a Vegan in Poland.

in #vegan6 years ago

Honestly sometimes I feel like it is just easier giving up, and eating what ever I come across. I don't understand why there needs to be milk or eggs in just about everything, for example milk in paprika flavour crisps. Only once you turn Vegan do you realise how much milk and eggs are used unnecessarily. While I have have been in North of Poland for holidays I found that it is not that bad at all, we used the happy cow to find some restaurants around Gdynia Sopot and Gdansk. There is a really good burger restaurant in Gdynia and Gdansk that is strictly vegan called I Krowa Cała, translated means that the cow is whole, it is really good and well priced. Here is a picture of of 1of the burgers that I tried.


It was the lentil burger, they spoke English and explained the menu. We also went to Falla, they specialise in falafels, they where my favourite and we went there often, they have honey in one of the hummus flavours which you can swap with something else. Here are 2 of the meals we tried.



The Fatima Hand is to be shared with 2 people, we were quite hungry and still couldn't finish one each.

While we were in Gdansk we stopped at the Buddha Lounge, they had a separate menu for Vegans. We had the chic pee curry which was quite good and nicely presented.


In Gdynia you can even go to the coffee shop in the the street where you change money and have vegan ice cream and coffee, and if you have a kitchen available then Tesco has a variety of Vegan products. So all in all it was quite easy for us to find something to eat around the tricity. The problem occurred when we left the big citys and went to the countryside and Hel, we landed up just eating chips and making our own sandwiches. At the end of the day I recommend a holiday in the Tricity, it was a great experience.


That food looks delicious !

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That burger must be delicious and those food items in second and third pictures makes anyone mouthwatering.

Thanks for sharing the food items of Poland.

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Thank you very much, I will check it out as soon as I am back in Scotland.

The food look so delicious! I totally understand your feeling. I tried being a vegan for nearly 8 months and gave up. It was super easy when I was in Nepal because of the pervasive vegetarian culture and staying in a monastery.

Yeah it is difficult, but it is getting better I think, every year I see that there is more option to buy great food, I would love to go to Nepal, maybe in a couple years I will go.

I need to build more discipline! Do visit Nepal. It is so beautiful. I can't wait to return (^.^)

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