To all the vegan haters: Some food for thought

in #vegan7 years ago (edited)

I feel the need to blow out some “steem”...


Lately, vegans have been facing lots of criticism, including accusations of making death threats. We all know that headlines like these are merely pathetic attempts to curb the increasingly popular vegan movement.

Thankfully, criticism towards the plant-based movement is not always that extreme. But the hostile and ignorant comments and demeaning jokes that we have to deal with on a daily basis from family members, friends or acquaintances who disapprove of our choices, and the rage it sparks in certain individuals is incomprehensible to me.

Here’s the thing. Vegans stand for compassion.

We are fighting for a kinder world; a world in which all forms of life are equally respected. A world in which no animals are harmed for profit. We are trying to promote empathy, not hatred or violence. We don’t want anyone to lose their business and go bankrupt. We just want everyone to just live in a healthy and sustainable manner, and most importantly, without animal suffering.

What’s there not to like about this?

I have a few theories as to why we face so much backlash.

Just like second amendment advocates are afraid that someone will take away their guns, meat eaters want to maintain their right to a juicy steak. We get it, the struggle is real!

I can’t take away your right to purchase a steak, but I will take away your ability to stick your head in the sand and pretend like you don’t know the truth. Carnists are mad because vegans took away their right to say “we didn’t know” and have confronted them with the consequences of their selfish culinary choices. Thanks to vegan activists, the disturbing footage of slaughterhouses and dairy farms is out there for everyone to see. I understand that it’s uncomfortable to watch all while keeping your current lifestyle, but don’t hate us for it. Direct your hatred towards those responsible for producing your food with the blood, fear and suffering of innocent beings, and at yourself for perpetuating it. Don’t shoot the messenger!

The second reason of course, is a purely monetary one. Farmers and the big food industry are afraid to suffer further losses as the plant based movement is gaining support and popularity. And rightfully so!

Take the example of giant egg producer Cal-Maine Foods (CMF) who reported a loss of $74 million dollars in 2017 due to vegan alternatives being preferred by their customers. According to food manufacturer Neilson, the demand for vegan food has increased by 140% in 2017. Even more impressive is the figure the delivery service “Just Eat” came up with. They reported a spike of 987% in vegan food deliveries, only in 2017, and there has been a 50% drop in beef consumption in the UK last year. Source

My point is, vegans are here to stay and take over the whole food industry. Why? Because no well informed empathetic human being would choose suffering over palate when given a quality alternative, and the food industry knows it.

What's next?

I can see a future in which meat will still be available, but in limited quantities and therefore at a very high price. The common man or woman won’t be able to afford meat anymore, and we’ll end up seeing “gourmet” butchers who cater to the privileged. Farmers will have to grow plants instead of raising cattle, or go bankrupt. Big food industries will have to jump on the wagon while it’s still possible, and offer vegan options instead. Check out the case of Elmhurst Dairy who ditched cow milk production for plant-based products to remain in business.

Nothing will stop this development, not even some pathetic attempts to jack up dairy sales through marketing, such as the unsuccesful Februdairy campaign.

Smear campaigns accusing vegans of threatening farmer’s lives will not stop the movement either, and I can completely imagine veganism as being the norm in the near future.

Don’t hate it, embrace it.

There is simply no valid reason for raging against a movement which promotes compassion and kindness over violence, other than greed and being faced with your own guilt.

I will keep fighting for justice and defending those principles, until our society becomes a kinder place for animals, no matter how many haters or mockeries I have to face.

What are you fighting for?

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Agreed! Veganism is about creating a more peaceful being for all and not treating others like commodities. We have all (well the majority of us) been conditioned to believe that eating and using animals is normal, but it's not.

I believe that with this movement we will see a better and brighter future for animals.

I love that the movement is starting right when im transitioning to being vegetarian/vegan! Such a great time to be alive!

Great that you've joined the movement!! =) Congrats on your transition!

This is so on point! I've seen a lot of people I know starting to eat more plant based and thriving. I've also encountered my fair share of mocking and co-workers who think they are funny by passing by and saying "mm bacon" or calling me a "f*cking hippie".
I think we are seeing the last resistance and I just can't wait to live in a world where being vegan is the norm and eating meat will be frown upon.
Great post my friend :) I'm resteeming <3

Word! I sometimes feel that people hate or at least mock me for doing the right thing while they can't.

Exactly! I don't understand it! It would be the same as mocking someone who feeds the homeless or who donates to the red cross

I genuinely want to go vegan, but I am doing ketosis and I find vegan ketosis a little difficult.

Mh yes seems complicated. Are you on this diet to lose weight? Because giving up animal products will also help with that =). In any case it's always a moral decision (sorry if you don't want to hear it), but you'll have to ask yourself: is my diet more important than the animals who suffer horrible conditions because of it?
It's not easy to accept, but hopefully you'll find a good alternative to ketosis

I hate whenever I get food with new friends and I don't order meat and the question comes up. I never start the conversation, people ask me and then when I explain why they always seem to get defensive, weird and sometimes angry! I always say well you asked haha if you don't want to know why then just don't ask. I always seem to be the only one so I feel like they're kind of ganging up on me for being different to them. It's a strange old world. But I agree, being vegan will be the norm in the future, as humans grow more compassionate like we have been through out history =]

I think it's because people don't like to be confronted with their own wrongdoing. It takes a lot of strength to acknowledge your own mistakes, and most people need a while to get to it =) good for you though that you keep going even if everyone else is against it

Nice, we need more reviews of what's goin' on. When you Google "vegan activist" the death threats come up a lot, when in reality, the activists are in more danger of murder and violence being done on them than the farm owners.

I would like to state my opinion on this one. I feel food is way too intimate of a thing to talk about for many people without any guilt involved whatsoever.

When you add to that the fact that we, vegans, are the only people on Earth that have an atleast somewhat ethical diet (very ethical compared to omnis and vegetarians), our sole existance is intimidating to people, I think that's the reason why people want to turn the guilt trip around.

People just don't want to feel bad in the moment, even if it's at the expense of the animals, the planet or their own health later in life.

I really don't know what's the solution to this. It appears that most people just want to be happy and will do anything if something threatens that state.

I guess you're right, but it was my own guilt that eventually made me go vegan. So I guess inducing some degree of guilt (without being annoying or pushy) is not a bad thing in my opinion. It just has to be done with tact ...


This screenshot from the start of Earthlings holds a lot of truth in my opinion. Our societies now display characteristics of all three, and we can all think of individuals who are quite clearly at one of these stages. As long as we keep moving away from 1 and towards 3 we are going in the right direction :)

yes you're right! I know a lot of people now who tell me they know how terrible the food industry is, but "are not strong enough" to give up animal products. I don't really know what to make of this category...

I think perhaps a lot of people simply don't know how to cook without meat. It requires a lot of self education which not everyone has time for in their busy lives. It is unfortunate.

I think the second category could also be "in denial". That's where I'd put those people. Some are in denial about how easy it is to change, some about how bad it is, what they have in common is that they both have their heads in the sand.

<3 this post. MOMENTUM!

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