in #vegan6 years ago

Who doesn't love chocolate cake? Correction. Who doesn't love chocolate in any shape or form? How about chocolate that tastes decadent BUT - and here's the catch - it is actually good for you! One of my favourite things to do is to eat chocolate or chocolate cake for breakfast. And why can I so glibly admit that? Because these chocolates are crammed full of nourishing ingredients.

This week I have been inspired by a couple people who are equally as passionate about health and food as I am. Being new on Steemit there have been certain personalities that I've really hoped to meet. In this instance; the health foodies. Initially I've been frustrated trying to understand tags and the search which sends me on something of a wild goose chase via google. But then I stumbled on a few vegan articles. Earlier today it was @heart-to-heart. And, true to her name; she is all heart! And she has some amazing recipes to try. I love her passion for food, specifically vegan. After all I firmly believe that our health and well-being is intricately tied up with what we put in our mouth (or don't). With food being such a huge part of life why settle for mediocre when our food should enhance our quality of life. To quote Hippocrates: "Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food". So I'm joining the #veganwednesday contest that @heart-to-heart is holding. I want to share with you how really delicious healthy food can be.

You don't believe me? Watch this space. In the coming months one memory I will share is of my raw food restaurant. Yes, you read correctly. This is not sushi raw. Or the-power-has-gone-out raw. But creating wholesome and scrumptious meals using various kitchen appliances. Have I whet your appetite? Curious about the ingredients? Let's create a taste sensation with nuts, fruits, seed and vegetables. You are in for a real treat!!


I hope you are bringing all this stuff when you come to visit?'s been eaten, Dad. Long ago!

Hey @buckaroo welcome to #veganwednesday! I hope you have fun over there, the people that enter are always my absolute favorite Steemians :)

Thank you so much for the sweet plug about me ;) I do try my best to offer heart felt recipes and posts of all sorts, happy to hear they're appreciated! <3

I wish you the best of luck this week, our guest judge will be judging next week because I'm in the middle of a house move but this looks like a delicious entry that just might take a prize ;) <3 Good luck!

Oooo. Thanks @heart-to-heart! Funnily enough I just finished making chocolate. Hopefully I'm in time for today's#veganwednesday as we're already nearing bed time here in South Africa

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